Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I gathered the girls together again. Picked up my four bags and MJ in her car seat. It crossed my mind to tempt fate and leave the heaviest bag, the one filled with books from the library, near the car. I decided the cost, if they were taken, wouldn't be worth it. I got the girls back across the street safely, back into the building, up the elevator, and into the apartment. We ringed the doorbell and Daddy answered. I said, "I can't find my keys." He started laughing. I was too frustrated to laugh. After walking through the house several times I stopped in the living room and heaved a heavy sigh and put my hands into my jacket pocket. Guess what? They were in my pocket the whole time. I hoped Daddy wouldn't notice my blonde moment and just casually said, "Okay girls, lets go." Dad started to laugh again.
I said, "The least you can do is go get the car and bring it around and pick us up, so I don't have to walk clear out there again." He didn't protest he just picked up MJ and the book bag and went down the elevator and brought the car around. When he pulled up and climbed out of the car CC yells, "But mom, where were the keys." I said, "Just get in the car!" Daddy started to laugh uncontrollably and said, "CC they were in her pocket the whole time!" I guess the secret was out. I just started to laugh and then playfully kicked him in the bum. I am grateful for a man that can help me laugh when I am having a rough day.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I was blessed to go home for Christmas. I enjoyed every minute of my visit. The best part was seeing my oldest sister get married. She was so beautiful on her wedding day. I felt so blessed to be at her sealing. There was such a beautiful spirit there. You knew these two were meant to be together. Poor, poor, Daddy was stuck in Pittsburgh alone for the holidays. He said it was the worst Christmas ever. He ate Hot Dogs and Mac & Cheese and watched Fancast. Poor Guy. The sacrifices he makes for his family cannot be numbered. Love ya babe!
My sister brought this chocolate santa for CC. She was so excited. She took this large enthused bite and I thought it was so cute. I got the camera and told her to take another one. My camera isn't taking the best pictures. I kept making her take bite after bite so I could get a good picture. She finally said, "Mom, I don't want anymore."
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

At around 2:28 Sierra was complaining that her eyelids were glued shut again from duct butter drying over her lashes. I went to warm a wash cloth in the bathroom when the sound, oh the awful sound filled the apartment. Sierra grabbed the covers and pulled them over her head. I washed off her eyelids and then called my neighbor, Shandra.
I said, "Shandra are you going down?"
She said, "Well, I can smell smoke in the hall, so we are going to leave. What do you think?"
I know what your thinking, "GET OUT OF THE BUILDING. STOP CHATTING!" However, the alarm has gone off twice since we moved in and after you go down 19 flights of stairs and wait outside only to be told someone burnt popcorn on the 5th floor, or someone's blowdryer blew up on the 10th floor, you start to question whether endangering your childs hearing and lumbering down 19 flights of stairs at 2:30 in the morning is worth it.
I decided to wake up Nate and tell him what was going on. The decision was made to exit. I threw on pink sweat pants and a blue sweat shirt and slipped on the nearest shoes available. I threw on Sierra's coat, pants, and a hat. I picked up Madison and threw two blankets over her head and we headed toward the door of the apartment. The noise of the alarm in the hall is muffled by the walls of the apartment so the noise hits you in all its furry when the door to the apartment is opened. The minute I opened the door Sierra ran back toward her bedroom. I yelled, "Sierra come here now." She walked back toward me. I said, "Hold my hand. You have to be brave." I took her hand with one hand and Madison in the other and got in the stairwell. Nate wasn't far behind. He picked up Sierra and carried her down the stairs. When we got out of the building her little friends Jennifer and Brooklynn were there huddled in there coats and PJ's. She ran up to them and said, "I was scared but then Daddy picked me up and then I wasn't scared anymore." I was so touched by her words. Just now remembering her word makes me ponder on how many times I have been scared and someone has picked me up with a kind word or a helping hand and then I haven't been scared anymore.
The fire wasn't anything serious, again. The firemen cleared the building and let us back in and we climbed back up 19 flights of stairs, because we were too impatient to wait for the elevator. Madison, the sweet angel, slept through the whole thing. Soon enough we were all warm, safe and back in our own beds.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
3 cups White Wheat Flour
1 1/4 cups White Sugar
2 tsp Baking Powder
2 tsp Baking Soda
1 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Nutmeg
2 Eggs
1 (15 ounce) Can Solid Pack Pumpkin
1/2 cup Unsweetened Applesauce
1/4 cup Oil
1 cup Chocolate Chips (or Walnuts, which are a great substitute!)
1 1/2 cup Warm Water
Mix together dry ingredients and wet ingredients separately. Then combine wet and dry ingredients. Mix enough to incorporate the wet and dry ingredients. Do not over mix. Handle as little as possible once the wet and dry ingredients are combined. Then add Chocolate Chips or Walnuts to the mixture. Coat 12 average size muffin cups with nonstick cooking spray. Fill till heaping with muffin batter. Bake at 350 degrees F for 22-25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Don't open the oven door, except near the end of the cooking time to check for doneness, or stomp around the kitchen because the muffins can easily flunk. Let the muffins cool for 5 minutes before removing from the tins. Then let cool on a wire rack.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
As Nate took her to the front of the church, I reflected back on the last year since her conception and pondered on how many small miracles it took to bring us to that moment. Most of you remember the month of March when I was struggling to keep her and threatening mis-carriage every day. I asked Nate to give me a blessing, in the blessing he said, "The baby would be born healthy and I would rejoice at her birth." He was right on both accounts. I feel so blessed that Nate holds the priesthood. I wanted to stand up at church today and thank my Father-in-Heaven for my blessings. I have felt his spirit so strongly in my life the last few weeks. I am grateful for the quiet moments of motherhood when I feel his presence and realize once again how noble the calling of motherhood is and how blessed I am to be gifted with the opportunity of participating in it.
Sierra had pink eye today. I felt so bad for her. Her eyes have been bright red and weeping all sorts of puss. She really isn't feeling well. If I knew how bad it was I wouldn't have taken her to church but it slowly got worse throughout the morning. Nate brought her home right after the sacrament. I took this picture in the lobby of our building right before we got in the car and headed to the church. I really like it. I am not sure why. It is definitely a poorly taken picture and if I had a critical eye for photography I probably wouldn't like it but I really like it.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
My friend Shelly did a post similar to this one and I really enjoyed it and so I stoled her idea. She is full of many fabulous ideas. Sierra loves to draw and her dad is after her all the time about wasting paper. She can waste all the paper she wants now because I picked up five packasges for 50 cents.
I picked up the teddy bear puzzle for a dollar.
I found the missing book in Sierra's Beatrice Potter collection.
I found two t-shirts for Sierra and a sweater and a turtle neck that will fit Madison next winter.
We put up our Christmas tree for family night this week. It was quit the ordeal. I pulled into home depot and Madison started to fuss. I pulled into the back and flagged someone and told them to throw a Christmas tree into the back of the truck. They said, "Don't you want to pick it out, most people want to pick it out."I said, "I have a baby ready to start screaming. I just need a tree. I don't care which one." They loaded one up and I went to the register and paid for it. I must admit the tree is the best one we have ever had and I didn't spend an hour hunting for it. I got the girls into the apartment and loaded the tree into the elevator hauled up and set it up. I was pretty proud of myself for being so independent. (Nate is in the middle of finals week, so if I didn't do it wouldn't have gotten done.) Sierra and I had just finish putting the last of the ornaments on and she went to a friends to play and I went in to make supper. I heard a crash. I guess I shouldn't have been so proud! :) I didn't set the tree in the stand right. There were ornaments and water everywhere. My friends saved the day again. Steven, Shandra's husband, came and trimmed the tree and reset it into the stand. What would I ever do without the many angels in my life? Merry Christmas.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What did my girls ever do without each other? Sierra is constantly putting one arm around me and one arm around Madison and saying, "We all love each other. Madison, Mom, and Me." She can't ever get enough of loving on Madison. Often I will just put Madison down for a nap and a few minutes later I will hear her squeal. I will go back to check on her and Sierra will be in the crib with her arms around her. She will protest, "Mom, Madison needed me." At this point I want to strangle her but I know in my heart she just loves her sister and is really bored when she is asleep.
Friday, November 14, 2008
My daughter loves to wear her mother's shoes. I am so impressed at the age of three how well she can walk in my heels. She is amazing. I have always felt empowered when I wear heels and I love them. I hope she continues to love wearing high heels. (Funny Note: These particular heels Nate doesn't like because they make me slightly taller than him. When I wear them he refers to me as amazon woman. Despite all his best efforts I won't give up wearing them. I am certain I will own a dozen or more pairs of three inch heels when we finally get done with dental school :) )
Thursday, November 13, 2008

I don't know why I am obsessed with the comparison game lately, maybe because I keep having deja vu. I feel like I have had Sierra's twin three years later. I know there are dissimilarities like Madison's head is a little more narrow and she only has one dimple instead of two like Sierra but still the resemblance is uncanny. Sierra is in the green. Madison is in the pink. She was holding her hands just like Sierra but moved when I clicked. Look at their chins! Identical.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I have nightmares about the endless nights I spent trying to get Sierra to sleep in her crib as a baby and as a toddler. By the time she could stand up she would launch herself over the side of the crib and get out. She hated it. Finally when she was eighteen months old we bought her a double bed, so she could roll and move around all she wanted. She was relieved to finally be out of the crib. Until now.... It seems the crib is far more exciting now that Madison sleeps in it. Last night I went to lay Madison down and this is what I saw. Madison ended up in Sierra's bed.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Well, my mother has been in town for the last week taking care of me, Nate, Sierra and Madison. We feel so blessed she was able to come and be with us during this special time. We don't know what we would have done without her. She has been our saving grace. Madison came so quickly that we wouldn't have time to run Sierra anywhere. If we had of tried, Nate would have delivered Madison. Grandma's timing couldn't have been more perfect. We wish her stay could have included enjoying the city but maybe next time. She spent all her time caring for us. How blessed we are.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Since before Madison was concieved, we knew she was going to be a little mircle in our family. The whole processes of conception, pregnancy, and labor and delivery has let us believe she was ment to come and ment to be a miracle. We feel so blessed and filled with the Savior's Love to have her in our home and in our arms.