Tuesday, December 30, 2014


  Man, this has been the longest last few weeks of pregnancy.
I can't even begin to say how ridiculously hard it has been.
I had false labor all Christmas Day.
Nate left the day after Christmas for California to pick up a few things we desperately need to finish the house. Since he only has a few weeks off a year it was either this week or wait until summer.
I have three kids who are going wild because they have been locked up in our basement apartment all Christmas break.
I have had an earache since Saturday night that finally broke last night.
I have had non-stop false labor except a beautiful night sleep last night.
Last night was a tender mercy.
Tonight, it started again.
I can't sleep and I can't get comfortable.
Contractions every fifteen minutes till three in the morning.
Then nothing all day long until about bedtime.
Seven at night. (Worst time for a mom!)
James has been a nightmare.
He won't take a nap and he won't go to bed a night.
He is overtired and whines constantly.
Which is more bearable now that the earache has passed, but is still ridiculously hard to deal with.
This evening I was just mad.
I don't mean to be.
I am so blessed, but I was so mad at contractions I could scream.
Dear Contractions,
If you want to do something! Then do something!
If not, stop!
You are making me a cranky, crazy, mommy!
Thank you,
I wasn't sweet to my children tonight.
I think all of them went to bed scared to death to cross me.
What happened to love at home?
It died.
I just want Nate to come home.
I told him today.
You know you are ridiculously unhelpful during labor and delivery.
You are so scared that you can't even be present.
You zone out on the television or whatever to distract yourself.
But,.... I can't do this without you.
I don't know but the thoughts of you not being there scares me to death.
He said, I am not going to be back till Sunday.
THE 4TH! I just can't get everything I need to done.
I pleaded, "I can't do this without you!"
He said, "I think you will be fine."
Technically, I am not due till the eleventh.
Technically, I have always gone over my due date by four-five days.
He should make it just fine.
He should be grateful he isn't dealing with his crazy wife in the meantime,
but I hope his children survive.
Poor things.
Pray for them. 


We made it to Christmas.
No small feat.
We had a beautiful Christmas.
The kids were so excited.
James got a lot of cooking supplies.
He didn't stop cooking all day.
He played with his daddy and cooked.
He couldn't have been happier.
Sierra got the Lego set she wanted from Santa
She also got socks, a book, and pastels.
Nate bought her/him an electric guitar as well.
We will see who uses it more in the coming months. Makes me giggle!
Madison got a Princesses Lego set.
Two Dora Adventure dolls, a Lite Brite, the book Peter Pan, Hair Clips and a t-shirt.
Nate bought her a remote control bug that was the hit of Christmas morning.
She loved it.
Nate bought me a pan set, I have never owned one in eleven years of marriage.
I cried because it was so thoughtful.
He also bought me a double jogging stroller for the boys.
He ordered it and it won't be in until the seventh.
I can't wait.
I am already plotting our first run together, I and the boys.
Maybe the sweetheart run in February.
That afternoon we went to Kay's parents Bob and Joanne and had Christmas Day dinner.
We sure love them.
They have been a blessing in our lives.
Merry Christmas!



 I can't believe how ridiculous I have been at blogging.
I miss it and I still don't do it.
I am going to be better.
You will be calling and telling me I haven't missed a single day of baby four's life.
He still doesn't have a name.
 I can't begin to say how grateful I am for good friends.
I mean sisters.
They truly are my sisters.
I know they would do anything for me.
I love them each so much.
Mary invited us over to make gingerbread houses and enjoy Christmas Eve dinner.
The food was so good.
I didn't remember how much I love green bean casserole. I never make it. I think I could have had an entire plate of just green bean casserole.
Nate came.
Social events aren't his thing.
I was so glad he came and mingled. He left before the gingerbread houses.
I know he would have made a fabulous house.
He had his fill.
The girls had the best time.

 James found the baby Jesus and kissed him over and over again.
I thought it was adorable.

Sierra and Madison are wearing their traditional Christmas pajamas.
I ran out of energy on James's pajamas.
Boy pajamas are harder.
They pilled in the same bed on Christmas Eve and watched Grinch stole Christmas.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


 Madison played with James all morning, so I could get his Christmas stocking made.
She was so sweet.
He had so much fun.
She found every blanket and fuzzy thing in the house.
She buried him.
He laughed.
He has be so sick with a cold.
It was nice to not have him clinging and crying for a few minutes.
She really is the sweetest girl.
And incase you had to take a double take in the picture above.
Yes, she does look like Kimberly at that age with bangs.

Monday, December 8, 2014


 Well, I am on a quest to blog every day till the end of the year.
This year has been pretty pathetic as far as blogging is concerned.
I am going to give it a final ditch effort.
We have had so many amazing people visit and so many amazing things happen I am kind of sad most of it was missed. WE will move forward.
I took my camera with us to my parents for Thanksgiving but the day I was going to break out the camera, Thanksgiving Day. My two youngest were throwing up all day. We were trying to contain the pretty aggressive bug by staying up in one of the rooms.
It didn't escape I or Sierra.
We were both sick before the week ended.
Every time I loaded up the our stuff thinking I was going to head home another one us would fall victim to the pukies.
It was a long weekend.
Nate didn't come, he was going to work on the house.
I think once we left the peace of the house got to him and he spent most of the weekend getting some much needed rest.
I told him I would make him Thanksgiving dinner when we got into town.
He said, "That would be nice!"
Yesterday, I finally got around to making Thanksgiving.
Madison said, "I am so glad that you are making Thanksgiving because I didn't get to eat anything because I was puking."
I guess we were making dinner for everyone who felt yucky.
I didn't make a lot of sides, but we did have turkey and pumpkin pie.
Tonight we were eating leftovers.
I cut Madison bangs, because she has been asking for weeks.
She exclaimed, "I look like AUNT TAM!"
I snapped a picture of my three adorable kids tonight.
I love them all.
I am excited and terrified to have four.
Nate took me to out to dinner the other night, an older gentleman asked if we were expecting our first. I said, "No, this is our fourth." He said, "So are you done?" I looked at Nate to hear his response and he just looked back at me. I said, "We will see." The gentleman said, "My wife and I had six, she wouldn't stop till we had a little girl. Five boys and one girl." I thought he was cute.