Thankfully my mother-in-law had her camera while we were on the beach in Erie. She sent me these pictures. Thanks mom. Sierra has been asking me for at least six months if she could go to the beach and build a sand castle. She was so excited when she saw Lake Erie. She dove in and played until the sun went down. The sunset was spectcular. We got to see it from our tent. We camped on the beach at Sara's Camp Ground. It was really crowded but the surf drowned out most of the noise. It was really fun to play as long as we wanted in the waves and then jump into bed. What a fun place to visit.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thankfully my mother-in-law had her camera while we were on the beach in Erie. She sent me these pictures. Thanks mom. Sierra has been asking me for at least six months if she could go to the beach and build a sand castle. She was so excited when she saw Lake Erie. She dove in and played until the sun went down. The sunset was spectcular. We got to see it from our tent. We camped on the beach at Sara's Camp Ground. It was really crowded but the surf drowned out most of the noise. It was really fun to play as long as we wanted in the waves and then jump into bed. What a fun place to visit.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Grandma McKnight and CC on the bridge next to the Benedum Center, where Les Miserables was playing.

Grandma McKnight and CC in front of the digital sign outside the Benedum Center.

Grandma McKnight and CC waiting for the show to begin.
A little know fact about me is that I was a child of the theater. I loved being on stage and hungered to perform whenever the opportunity arouse. I am not a singer or dancer, strictly an actress, but I loved musicals. My favorite play, Les Miserables. I dreamt of seeing the play as a child and learned every song by heart. My favorite character was Eponine and I would sing her parts over and over again. The opportunity never came to go until this past week. Nate gets 1/2 price tickets for up to 4 people, as a student at the University. We took advantage and went to see Les Miserables with Grandma McKnight. I was so excited. It was Sierra's first play. She loved it at first but it got a little long. She sat really still and was only disruptive with the constant questions she was whispering to me. She went to sleep after Gavroche died. She was pretty sad. I kept reassuring her that it was all just pretend. I guess I forgot how dark and morbid Les Miserables was. Not a good choice for a 3 year old. What was I thinking? Not sure.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Jesus Christ appearing to the people on the American Continent after his death and Resurrection.
Alma the Elder teaching the people and baptising them.
I had several dreams fulfilled this last week. My father served his mission in upstate New York. He use to tell us stories about performing in the Hill Cumorah pageant as a missionary. (I have always wanted to see the pageant.) He played one of the wicked high priests and a warrior in the war scene, if I remember correctly. I thought he would like to see how far the pageant has come since he was a young man. These clips are poor quality and poorly videoed but at least they are something. I love you Dad.
Sunday, July 5, 2009

The 4th of July was amazing, as always. We loved every minute of it. The 4th of July is by far my favorite holiday. We had amazing festivities from dawn to dusk and beyond.

The park had a bike parade. They provided all of the 4th of July paraphernalia. Sierra loved decorating her bike and rocketing around the fountain. The parade was great.

Say hello to some of our friends. Here is the Turner family decorating bikes.

Anne Turner, isn't she beautiful. Love the skirt Anne! Your mom is so talented.

Hailey Dinger. She is so cute.

Our new friends, May and Lalo. May is in Sierra's sunbeam class.
We had a great morning playing in the park. Then MJ and I made pies and rolls, (I would have captured a pictures but the batteries died. Too bad, you would have been jealous. YUMMY.) while Nate took Sierra fishing. She had a great time and couldn't stop talking about their adventures when she got back. Then we were off to a friends home for a BBQ, the food and conversation was GREAT. YUMMY. FABULOUS. Then I bribed the night guard with the remainder of the pie to let us on the roof to watch the fireworks. I stayed behind and got MJ to bed but the view was still amazing from the 19th floor. All in all, a fabulous day. Maybe we will get to do it again next year. Fingers crossed.
Friday, July 3, 2009
I love my family. Aren't my sister's gorgeous? My sister Michelle took these pictures at the ranch a couple of weekends ago.

My sister with the dark hair is still single. If any of my friends know an amazing guy looking to settle down. She might be the one..... :) (I am sure I am going to get a phone call for this. :))

My sister with the dark hair is still single. If any of my friends know an amazing guy looking to settle down. She might be the one..... :) (I am sure I am going to get a phone call for this. :))
Thursday, July 2, 2009

CC (praying): Heavenly Father, thank you for my mommy that she does silly things and makes me laugh.
CC (While reading Beauty and the Beast): I don't like the Beast mom. He makes me scared when he gets mad, but it's okay, it's just a commercial. Right?
CC loves MJ. She doesn't want to do anything without her. When she is done playing in the living room and wants to go back and play with her in her bedroom, she won't ask MJ or wait until she crawls, she just hoists her up and carries her off to her bedroom. Most of the time MJ is a good sport and even smiles and laughs, but every once and a while she gets tired of being a rag doll and cries out for me to rescue her.
P.S. No she has never dropped her.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A picture of our kitchen/laundry room. We got a portable washing machine. I am so elated. I feel like I am flushing money down the drain everytime I put money on my laundry card. My laundry has started to cost close to $35.00 dollars a month and that is just to wash my clothes and hang dry them. I know the new washing machine will cause my electric bill to go up a little, but we don't pay for water so that won't go up. Get this... I bought this beauty off fo Craig's List for $75.00. It is a year and half old. Typically they run anywhere from 500.00 to 600.00 dollars. I think I will be making a profit when I sell this beautiful, life changing device. I have been doing laundry all day and I am so happy.

Because people have been asked, here is a picture of our old house in Morningside. Here is my beautiful kitchen. I know all you Pittsburgh women are coveting. I am sure you are wondering, "Why did she move?" The kitchen and the laudry were amazing. The rest of the house not so much.
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