Tuesday, August 31, 2010


After school we went for a bike ride over to the park and saw a beautiful hot-air balloon and played on the swings. Then as the evening came to an end we talked and she said, "Mom, I don't want to go back to that school." I asked why. She said, "Mom, I am scared to death of that kidney table. I think if I sit too long there I will get a stone and the docotor will come and take me to the hospital." Funny, but not. The next morning on a whim I decided to send to her the public school. She has three other friends that attend our church that go there. We all walked over together. She was a little scared but she went. When I came to pick her up she ran into my arms and said, "Mom, I want to go to this school for the whole rest of my life! We got to get out of our chairs, and we got to have fun!" She came home and played a game of pretend under the table with her sister until dark. It is good to have her back.
Friday, August 27, 2010

We found you on a real farm. You were so much fun. I kissed you several times hoping you would turn into a prince. You didn't. I played and played with you. I dipped you in water. I dangled you by your hands. I put you in jars. We had so much fun but you died. I was so sad. Mom, MJ and I had a little funeral. We burried you in the backyard. I said a prayer. I said, "Heavenly Father, help this frog to go to heaven and then come back to life and be resurected. In the name of Jesus Christ amen." I cried. I was sad I wish you would come back to life and play with me.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010
I bearly slept last night. I kept having nightmares and I couldn't relax. Today was a big day for me. For the first time in my little girls life I had to entrust her in anothers care. We were way early to school. I thought it would be fun to play on the playground with the other kids before class. She was overwelmed and just stared and clung to my legs. She said, "There are so many kids." I am sure she has never seen so many children in one spot. As she lined up and filed into class I had to choke back the tears. Her teacher said, "If you need to call mid-way through the day you can." I didn't. I just filled my schedule so the time would go by faster.
I was late picking her up, I thought school let out later. She was in the office. I thought she would be sad, but she wasn't. She loved it. She said she drew trees in art and played on the playground and sat on a rug that looks like a map but that was all she could remember.
Doesn't she look beautiful and smart?
Here are her assignments from her first day of school
Seriously, give her a break, it is her first day. She wrote the number one line down, but she got it right.
I was late picking her up, I thought school let out later. She was in the office. I thought she would be sad, but she wasn't. She loved it. She said she drew trees in art and played on the playground and sat on a rug that looks like a map but that was all she could remember.

Sunday, August 22, 2010
We had a famous chef visit us and cook for us for two days. He brought gifts and food, lots of food and I was happy. I am excited to play with Nate's graduation present, which was really for me and I love it. He brought his very handsome son that my daughters fell in love with.

My daughters feel in love with the Chef. Especially MJ who sat forever and let him read to her. They are welcome back anytime. We loved every minute of their trip.
If you want to check out this amazingly talented man, you can on his website, chefbrad.com. We are big fans.

My daughters feel in love with the Chef. Especially MJ who sat forever and let him read to her. They are welcome back anytime. We loved every minute of their trip.

Saturday, August 21, 2010
We woke up yesterday, loaded the car, and headed off camping.
There was an ornery lady in the car she was sad she forgot her coat and the girl's coats. She forgot a pillow and the girls and her toothbrushes and toothpaste.
She was very ornery.
She pouted and wanted to go back home, but it wasn't possible.
"Everything will be okay. You forget things when you go camping, and that is part of the fun." Stated her more rational male counterpart.
He was right.
It was beautiful and warm and there was an extra pillow in the camping gear and who needs clean teeth anyway.
When we arrived the oldest little one saw a sign she said what does that say.
Her mother being quick on her toes said, "It says Fairy Mischievous is in these woods today. She is stealing peoples food and will take ours if the containers are left open." (Fairy Mischievous is a mischievous fairy that does all sorts of naughty things. She use to live with other fairies but they didn't like the naughty things she did, so they sent her to live with the humans and cursed her to be a slow flying fairy.)
The sign said, "WARNING BEARS IN CAMPSITE DO NOT LEAVE CONTAINERS OPEN." I couldn't tell her the truth no mother with a daughter who has nightmares would have.
A lady in a near by campsite overheard the conversation and came by and said, "Did you know there are fairies in these woods and I found one of their shovels. Would you return it to them when you see them??"
It almost brought a tear to my eye that this sweet stranger would come over and play an important role in our game and bring so much joy and exploring to our side of the camp. (See small pink shovel pictured below.)We went on a few hikes to find Fairy Mischievous and to return the shovel to the Hard Working Fairies. We threw rocks into the river. CC collected handfuls of worms and named them all and made them a bed fit for worms. We built a fire and had tin-foil dinners and cuddled up and sang Children's Hymns in the peaceful canyon night. We snuggled down and slept till the morning. Then awoke to the cool clean air of the woods. My better half went fishing. A photojournalist was perusing the river and spotted his big catch and asked if they could put his picture in a magazine. Then they had him sign a model release form. (MY HUSBAND IS A MODEL, we all knew he was good looking, but now... proof.)We all had a really good time.

There was an ornery lady in the car she was sad she forgot her coat and the girl's coats. She forgot a pillow and the girls and her toothbrushes and toothpaste.
She was very ornery.
She pouted and wanted to go back home, but it wasn't possible.
"Everything will be okay. You forget things when you go camping, and that is part of the fun." Stated her more rational male counterpart.
He was right.
It was beautiful and warm and there was an extra pillow in the camping gear and who needs clean teeth anyway.
When we arrived the oldest little one saw a sign she said what does that say.
Her mother being quick on her toes said, "It says Fairy Mischievous is in these woods today. She is stealing peoples food and will take ours if the containers are left open." (Fairy Mischievous is a mischievous fairy that does all sorts of naughty things. She use to live with other fairies but they didn't like the naughty things she did, so they sent her to live with the humans and cursed her to be a slow flying fairy.)
The sign said, "WARNING BEARS IN CAMPSITE DO NOT LEAVE CONTAINERS OPEN." I couldn't tell her the truth no mother with a daughter who has nightmares would have.
A lady in a near by campsite overheard the conversation and came by and said, "Did you know there are fairies in these woods and I found one of their shovels. Would you return it to them when you see them??"
It almost brought a tear to my eye that this sweet stranger would come over and play an important role in our game and bring so much joy and exploring to our side of the camp. (See small pink shovel pictured below.)We went on a few hikes to find Fairy Mischievous and to return the shovel to the Hard Working Fairies. We threw rocks into the river. CC collected handfuls of worms and named them all and made them a bed fit for worms. We built a fire and had tin-foil dinners and cuddled up and sang Children's Hymns in the peaceful canyon night. We snuggled down and slept till the morning. Then awoke to the cool clean air of the woods. My better half went fishing. A photojournalist was perusing the river and spotted his big catch and asked if they could put his picture in a magazine. Then they had him sign a model release form. (MY HUSBAND IS A MODEL, we all knew he was good looking, but now... proof.)We all had a really good time.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Yesterday, it started to rain but the sky was still mostly blue. I asked the kids if they wanted to dance in rain. MJ wanted to hid behind my legs and Sierra wanted to protect herself with MJ's highchair tray, not conducive to dancing. These girls are hilarious.
When the thunder stopped MJ went out and promptly sat on the wet sidewalk.
Then they tromped throuh the muddy gutter puddles. It was a lot of fun.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"Corrie, do you remember, the day we were arrested, a man came to the shop? You were sick and I had to wake you up."
I remembered very well. Remembered the strange roving eyes, the uneasiness in the pit of my stomach that was more than fever.
"Apparently everyone in Ermelo knew him. he worked with the Gestapo from the first day of occupation...
Flames of fire seemed to leap around that name in my heart. I thought of Father's final hours, alone and confused, in a hospital corridor. Of the underground work so abruptly halted. I thought of Mary Itallie arrested while walking down a street. And I knew that if Jan Vogel stood in front of me now I could kill him.
Betsie drew the little cloth bag from beneath her overalls and held it out to me, but I shook my head. ....
"You lead the prayers tonight, Betsie. I have a headache."
More than a headache. All of me ached with the violence of my feeling about the man who had done us so much harm. That night I did not sleep and the next day at my bench scarcely heard the conversation around me. By the end of the week I had worked myself into such a sickness of body and spirit that Mr. Moorman stopped at my bench and aske if something were wrong.
"Wrong? Yes, somethings wrong!" And I plunged into an account of that morning. I was only too eager to tell Mr. Moorman and all Holland how Jan Vogel had betrayed his country.
What puzzled me all this time was Betsie. She had suffered everything I had and yet she seemed to carry no burden of rage. "Betsie!" I hissed one dark night when I knew that my restless tossing must be keeping her awake. Three of us now shared this single cot as the crowded camp daily received new arrivals. "Betsie, don't you feel anything about Jan Vogel? Doesn't it bother you?"
"Oh, yes, Corrie! Terribly!I've felt for him ever since I knew-and pray for him whenever his name comes into my mind. How dreadfully he must be suffering!"
For a long time I lay silent in the huge shadowy barracks restless with the sighs, snores, and stirring of hundreds of women. Once again I had the feeling that this sister with whom I had spent all my life belonged somehow to another order of beings. Wasn't she telling me in her gentle way that I was as guilty as Jan Vogel? Didn't' he and I stand together before an all-seeing God convicted of the same sin of murder? For I had murdered him with my heart and with my tongue.
"Lord Jesus," I whispered into the lumpy ticking of the bed, "I forgive Jan Vogel as I pray that You will forgive me. I have done him great damage. Bless him now, and his family..." That night for the first time since our betrayer had a name I slept deep and dreamlessly until the whistle summoned us to roll call.
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I love this little girl so much. I often think, why was I so blessed to have her as my daughter. She is so compassionate and is always concerned about my well being. She loves her little sister so much and wants to teach her and encourage her and love her. She gets excited about things Nate is excited about and is such a good companion for him. I could not have hand picked a more perfect oldest child she truly is one of my very greatest blessings. I love you little princesses. I am never going to let you grow up and go to school, never. I want to keep you forever. I can hear her little echo, "You will mom, but it will be okay because Madison will be here with you and I will come home, I will only be gone for a little while." I can't even really think about it. I haven't registered or done any of the paperwork. I haven't even walked into the school and it starts on the 23rd. I think I am in denial. I am going to try and keep it together but I am going to cry that whole day.
Thursday, August 5, 2010

I made these shirts from a DI pile in my mother's garage. They were clothes that my sister had brought up. One of her friend's husbands lost weight and was discarding. So...walla! Two Beautiful new Sunday shirts for the girls. I love it. It makes me so happy to see something that has passed its useful life, get another one. Happy Birthday. I hope they fit. (No, secretly I hope they don't so I can keep them. ;) (P.S. The ribbon is not included. We will have to find some fun ribbons and/or flowers to make belts for these shirts when I come up.) Lots of love.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

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