Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

There is a green bush on the way home from Sierra's school. It is filled with blue buds. I am familar with this plant because one grew in my grandma's front yard when I was little and I loved it. Sierra likes to ride as fast as she can to the bush and then pick as many buds as she can. Then she waits for MJ and I to get close and she launchs them at us. It is a part of our daily walk home from school, we must have the battle of the buds, and as you can tell from the picture it is very serious business.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
MJ my EOW.

Madison loves to pretend to be a cat. She crawls around on all fours and licks my legs and says, "EoW." I call her my little kitty. She does it a lot.
P.S. This picture is brought to you by my good friend Jess. She didn't take it but made it possible for me to take it in so many ways. I love you girl.
Sunday, September 26, 2010

We headed out Friday afternoon to go camping in Aspen, Co. When we arrived the campground Nate had chosen was called Difficult Campground. I chuckled considering it was the first time we have tried to camp since MJ has been potty trained. Also, I knew it was going to be really cold. Nate set up camp and got us a fire going. We grilled hamburgers and then it was time to get the girls ready for bed. There are always trade offs at this point in the evening, especially camping. Do I go the bathroom and listen to the girls scream for me? Or do I wait and wake up uncomfortable early in the morning too afraid to move for fear the girls will wake. Do I spit my toothpaste close to the tent? There are bear warnings everywhere in the woods and I remember back when I was in girl's camp this was a huge no, no. Or do I walk away from the tent and listen to the girls scream after me? I can't forget a drink of water before I get comfortable or the girls will wake and want one. Then I will be trudging out of the tent to find one, in the an unseemly hour, in the bitter cold and may come face to face with a bear. Then there is the potty. Oh, the potty. It is hard to convince little girls to go potty when it is late and they are tired and it is cold. However, despite all these things it wasn't too difficult.
In the morning I was cooking bacon and eggs for breakfast. The propane tank was frosting over. Sierra decided she wanted a lick. Yep, classic. Her tongue was stuck to the propane tank. She didn't wait for help she ripped her tongue away and left a spot of blood on the tank. She didn't cry or even fuss.
Nate took her fishing later on in the morning and she caught a small fish. She was so excited. Overall, we had a good time. Nate keeps pushing us to be more of an outdoor family. He makes a lot of sacrifices to make it happen. Including but not limited to; planning menues; shopping; packing and loading the car; setting up camp; cooking; building fires; making hot chocolate; taking the girl's on little adventures; taking down camp; and loading the car when we are done. It is kind of a vacation for me and that makes me happy.
P.S. MJ didn't have a single accident on the whole trip. SUCCESS!

In the morning I was cooking bacon and eggs for breakfast. The propane tank was frosting over. Sierra decided she wanted a lick. Yep, classic. Her tongue was stuck to the propane tank. She didn't wait for help she ripped her tongue away and left a spot of blood on the tank. She didn't cry or even fuss.
Nate took her fishing later on in the morning and she caught a small fish. She was so excited. Overall, we had a good time. Nate keeps pushing us to be more of an outdoor family. He makes a lot of sacrifices to make it happen. Including but not limited to; planning menues; shopping; packing and loading the car; setting up camp; cooking; building fires; making hot chocolate; taking the girl's on little adventures; taking down camp; and loading the car when we are done. It is kind of a vacation for me and that makes me happy.
P.S. MJ didn't have a single accident on the whole trip. SUCCESS!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I love Fruita.
I love that there are only two stoplights in this whole town.
I love that the only traffic that occurs is the two cars stopped in front of the school waiting for the students to cross.
I love that it doesn't smell like smoke.
I love the little library that lets me checkout up to 40 items including 10 DVD's that aren't due back for two weeks and can all be renewed online, as often as I want to as long as there isn't a hold on the item. (Also, there is a Colorado inter library loan program where I can literally access any book I want. And all this for free.)
I love that I can Rollerblade anywhere I need to go.
I love that three people on the same day, including one which paced me in her car, stopped to tell me about Grand Junction's roller derby league and encouraged me to join.
I love that I have only smelt one cigarette since moving here.
I love that I feel safe in my home and community.
I love our little grocery store.
I love that all the young moms in my ward challenge my homemaking skills. They are amazing.
I love that I know all my neighbor's names and they all came by to say hi.
I love my washer and dryer. (They have been life changing.)
I love my house.
I love my yard.
I love Sierra's school and her teacher who is one of the most soft spoken gentle women I have ever met.
I love my new life. I miss my old friends, but I love my new life. I could not be more blessed.
MY FAVORITE THING about Fruita is our city mascot and they even have a festival to celebrate him every year. I thought it was a joke but I promise you it is not. We take Mike the Headless Chicken very seriously around here, make no mistake about that one. Click here to see how truly serious the matter is.
I love that there are only two stoplights in this whole town.
I love that the only traffic that occurs is the two cars stopped in front of the school waiting for the students to cross.
I love that it doesn't smell like smoke.
I love the little library that lets me checkout up to 40 items including 10 DVD's that aren't due back for two weeks and can all be renewed online, as often as I want to as long as there isn't a hold on the item. (Also, there is a Colorado inter library loan program where I can literally access any book I want. And all this for free.)
I love that I can Rollerblade anywhere I need to go.
I love that three people on the same day, including one which paced me in her car, stopped to tell me about Grand Junction's roller derby league and encouraged me to join.
I love that I have only smelt one cigarette since moving here.
I love that I feel safe in my home and community.
I love our little grocery store.
I love that all the young moms in my ward challenge my homemaking skills. They are amazing.
I love that I know all my neighbor's names and they all came by to say hi.
I love my washer and dryer. (They have been life changing.)
I love my house.
I love my yard.
I love Sierra's school and her teacher who is one of the most soft spoken gentle women I have ever met.
I love my new life. I miss my old friends, but I love my new life. I could not be more blessed.
MY FAVORITE THING about Fruita is our city mascot and they even have a festival to celebrate him every year. I thought it was a joke but I promise you it is not. We take Mike the Headless Chicken very seriously around here, make no mistake about that one. Click here to see how truly serious the matter is.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Thrift stores tend to be stocked full of mini skirts, which I don't understand because they are so flattering.(Sense the sarcasm?)Anyway a few months ago when I was still in Pittsburgh I came across a rack of really great mini skirts for .99. I figured I could cut them down to fit Sierra. A friend who is a fashion genius suggested I turn one of them into a top for Sierra. (Thank you Mee Hyun.) This project finally came out of the closet today. I was so proud of how it turned out. It only took about a half hour. I just cut the skirt down and then used the remnant to add sleeves. (MJ was a bit jealous. She said, "Me shirt too mum," and then hauled around a scrap of fabric and kept sticking it to her shirt. Then when I was taking a picture of Sierra she said "Eee too. Mum Cheese. Cheese. Cheese." I like how she posed exactly like her sister. She is obsessed with getting her picture taken. (Hmmm. I wonder who inspired this trait. Yep, you know who you are.))

Monday, September 20, 2010

Well, MJ was glued to "Dora the Explorer" this afternoon. Even though I don't like my children mindlessly watching television for hours on end, I did get a lot done and she was so cute to listen to. Ever time Dora would ask a question like, "Do you see the stick?" or "Do you see the big beautiful rainbow?" She would say in a slow cute voice, "Yeess." I thought it was cute and hilarious. As much as Sierra loved Dora when she was little she never spoke to her and when she was older she would say, "You don't have to talk to Dora, she will do it anyway."
Also, MJ is so addicted to her bottle and has a massive break down everytime I won't fill it up and give it to her, which happens every night because I don't want her to wet the bed.
That leads me to the most important news, she is potty trained and was down to about one accident a day last week. This week she has gone the last 48 hours without an accident! Yeah. We may have finally made it. She is awesome. Now if I could just get her to sleep through the night, which she hasn't done since we left Pittsburgh. Sigh. One thing at a time.
Thursday, September 16, 2010

We were looking at a cute family member's blog and their adventures of going to Disneyland over Labor Day weekend. There were statement such as, "I wish I could go there." "I want to meet that princess and that one." "Mom when can we go there?" I responded with, "Well, I think we should aim for sometime before your next birthday." She was satisfied. She got out a pen and paper and drew all the princesses she wanted to see and drew them in the order she wanted to see them in. I thought it was cute. Anyone want to go with us in 2011?
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
After canning tomato soup this week, I can say I have learned a few things.
1. Never do canning while potty training your daughter.
2. Never go over to a new friends house with your un-potty trained daughter in underwear and help her can. Your daughter may pee down her slide and leave a poo log in her backyard. Well, your's probably wouldn't, but mine did.
3. Your backside will never have a better workout than picking two bushels of tomatoes.
4. Your arms will never have a better workout than canning eleven bottles of tomato soup, yes I said eleven... that is all I have done but it has felt like more. I keep counting but there are just eleven.
5. Your house will never be a bigger mess when you are through.
6. You will feel like you have just bathed in ketchup.
7. You will never be more worn out in your life.
8. You will be more proud of eleven jars of tomato soup than your mother is of her 100 jars of peaches, 100 jars of pears, 50 jars of salsa, 100 jars of apple sauce and 25 jars of grape juice and more freezer jam than you can count.
9. You will wonder if you will ever be as awesome as your mother.
10. You will never have worked so hard nor spent so much time and energy with such a small return.
11. You will secretly love it for some strange reason, maybe you are masochist. Also, the ruby red color and insanely wonderful taste will convince you to do it again, but maybe not until next year.

1. Never do canning while potty training your daughter.
2. Never go over to a new friends house with your un-potty trained daughter in underwear and help her can. Your daughter may pee down her slide and leave a poo log in her backyard. Well, your's probably wouldn't, but mine did.
3. Your backside will never have a better workout than picking two bushels of tomatoes.
4. Your arms will never have a better workout than canning eleven bottles of tomato soup, yes I said eleven... that is all I have done but it has felt like more. I keep counting but there are just eleven.
5. Your house will never be a bigger mess when you are through.
6. You will feel like you have just bathed in ketchup.
7. You will never be more worn out in your life.
8. You will be more proud of eleven jars of tomato soup than your mother is of her 100 jars of peaches, 100 jars of pears, 50 jars of salsa, 100 jars of apple sauce and 25 jars of grape juice and more freezer jam than you can count.
9. You will wonder if you will ever be as awesome as your mother.
10. You will never have worked so hard nor spent so much time and energy with such a small return.
11. You will secretly love it for some strange reason, maybe you are masochist. Also, the ruby red color and insanely wonderful taste will convince you to do it again, but maybe not until next year.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
BRAGGING, it's a mother's privilege!

Last night, I went to tuck Sierra in and she was looking at a picture book about Jesus. I sighed. It was 9:00pm again. I said, "Sweet Pea, why are you looking at a picture book of Jesus right now." She looked up with the most sincere blue eyes and said, "Because mom, I just want to be like Him so much." I had to smile and reply, "Me too honey. Me too."
Nate, Sierra and I had to give a talk a few weeks ago. My parents happened to come into town that same weekend. I didn't blog about it, but my sister did. If you want to take a peek click here and here. Sierra did such a good job and I was so proud of her.
Also, she has memorized the 9th and 10th Articles of Faith. The Primary President challenged them to learn one a month. She has taken the challenge on full force. I am astonished at how fast she has learned them. When she sets her mind to something there is no stopping her. For those of you who don't know the Articles of Faith are the basic principles of belief for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. So, if you ever wondered what we believe or just curious to see what Sierra memorized click here.
Thanks for letting me brag, it's a mother's privilege you know. :)
Monday, September 6, 2010

Dear Stan and Jan Berenstain,
Thank you for writing and illustrating The Berenstain Bears series. My daughter loves them. When we go to the library she runs to the B section where she will find mounds of your books. She gathers a large stack of books and then thumbs through what the rest the library has to offer. She begs me to read your books over and over again. We have spent hours learning useful lessons, laughing, and just being together enjoying your books. I believe your books have sparked in Sierra a love of reading and I am so grateful. Your biggest fans.
Sierra and Mother McKnight
Saturday, September 4, 2010

While watching "Say Yes to the Dress" and "Barbie Rapunzal".
Then three ladies climbing into a large bed and reading "Peter and the Star Catchers." Cuddling up together and falling asleep as a very tired child breathes her last words, "Mom, you are my favorite girl in the whole world." Mom replies, "You're mine too."

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Well, I bought this swing a few weeks ago. I have wanted one since we lived in the highrise. I wanted to buy it and sink it to the ceiling in the living room. (I didn't think it would be possible because everything was plaster and concrete.) Since we have moved I have walked by it several times, but didn't want to pay the money for it. Last week it went on sale, yeah! MJ is obsessed with it. I jerry-rigged it to the tree out front and she loves it. Absolutely, loves it. I can push her and watch CC ride her bike at the same time. Very fun for me.

Except her sister thinks what MJ is doing is more fun and keeps trying to push her. Sadly, her sister's idea of fun and MJ's idea of fun are totally different. Sierra wants to push her extremely high and twist her around.

So, MJ is always looking out of the corner of her eye to make sure her sister is very far from the swing, if she comes close she lets out a hollar.
P.S. Sierra had P.E. yesterday. I asked her how it went. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know if I had P.E. today." I said, "Your teacher said you had P.E. today." She said, "Mom, I had a lot of fun today but I don't know if it was P.E." Sigh of relief.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

CC taught MJ a game. You collect a handful of small rocks and then climb the stairs to the slide and then toss them down the slide. After CC headed into school, MJ wanted to try it on her own. I think one of the unsaid rules of the game was you can't touch the ground. She would collect little tiny fists full by laying on her tummy and leaning over the step.

As we made the last turn into our driveway, I saw two dragon flies doing some sort of mating ritual by the fence. They were so beautiful. When they landed I had to catch a picture.
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