Me: Sierra, do you want to move again?
Sierra: Yep, I want to move to Grandma's house.
Me: You know your Dad will never move to Utah Sierra.
Sierra: Well, I got an idea. How 'bout we take MJ and move into Grandma's house and leave Dad here, and just be a broken family.
Bad Idea.Yesterday, I went to pick Sierra up from school and locked MJ and the keys in the truck. Ahhh. I tried to tell her how to unlock the door and I am sure she could have if she wasn't fully restrained in her carseat. She couldn't reach the lock. She started to cry. Sierra went bullistic. I went over to the local police officer who directs traffic when school let's out. He said he didn't have a slimjim but he could call a locks smith. I didn't want that. My friend stuck around and helped me out. She let me use her cell phone. I called Nate's office and luckily he was available. He said, "I prepared for just such a moment. Under the car is a magnetic box with a spare in it." I reached under the car and grabbed it. Relief. I hung up. Then I went to open the door. The door wouldn't open. The police officer had walked over. He said, "Are you sure that is the right key?" I assured him it was. It was just a copy of a copy of a copy and would take a little jiggling. I let him try. He jiggled it for at least a minute. The whole time he is jiggling Sierra is screaming and crying, "I have an idea." (Not another idea.) I said, we got it. It is going to be okay but she wouldn't calm down. It finally popped open. I thanked the police officer. Sierra, climbed in and said, "Mom, why wouldn't you listen to me. I had a good idea." I said, "What was your idea?" She said, "We could have walked home and got a stick and put it in the lock and got it open."
(Not a good idea.) "Sweetie only keys open car doors." Luckily, it was an ordeal but not too long or pain filled.
Even though you haven't had the best ideas lately, I love your guts and I think you are so beautiful even with your disheaveled hair.