The apples of my cheeks feel puffed to my eye sockets. Sneezes have been my constant companion. There is definitely congestion on my chest. My daily tasks have been grossly neglected. The floor is getting less visible, laundry is starting to climb the walls, and I need to balance my finances. However, I am too run down to care too much. I got the girls and I dressed today, which felt like a monumental task. Then I took them to the library.
I mostly sat in the corner and tried to keep from looking too down trodden, (When you live in Mayberry, you know you are going to run into someone you know when you step out your front door.) while the girls scampered about collecting treasures. Sierra first attacked the DVD's and then the books. (I sighed, wishing the books were more enticing and hope some day they will be.) Madison headed straight for a stack of Dora books, collected the ones she wanted and then clinged to them like the loosening of even one small muscle would forfeit them to another book seeker. Luckily, she loosened her grip at checkout. We are allowed to check out up to forty items a visit, we checked out thirty-seven.
We came home emptied our cache on the couch, I turned on a movie, and snuck off to bed for a quick nap. I must of slept some but like most mom's with small children it is hard to fall into a deep sleep because of all your seeded fears of your children killing themselves through various means when your gaze is distracted. After a short while in bed, I dragged my body to the couch and collapsed there where I spent most of the remainder of the day.
I did walk outside to retrieve the mail momentarily and found a few goodies, a valentine from a dear friend with a picture of her family, (thanks Shelly) and two valentines from grandma. Madison kept reading hers, "Once upon a time, there were bears, E-end."