-Went on a walk around Snook's Bottom with Sister K. We had a good conversation.
-We went to Sister Trevenan's house and looked at the quilt. We just admired it up on it boards. She is going to teach me how to cross stitch a pillow case. (I know how to cross stitch but don't tell her, she needs a friend and I think we could be good friends.)
-I picked up Sierra and lost MJ in the processes. I have never been so scared in my life. I was shaking. She has never left my side. She is a the cling-on...especially in crowds. I turned around and she was gone. I knew someone had taken her. I was screaming and shaking. Sierra's first grade teacher was helping me look for her. She was even shaking. We were scared. She was missing for at least ten minutes. The longest ten minutes of my life. She headed to the car on her own. They found her wandering around the parking lot. She was fine and happy. She said, "I just went to find the car but I couldn't." Sierra was praying and crying while we were looking. Sierra said to MJ, "Don't ever go in the road without Mom." She said, "I didn't go all the way in the road, just a wittle bit." I was so relieved to have her back in my arms. I discovered that maybe there is an independent little spirit in there.
-We went to Sam's Club to pick up toilet paper among other things and my two girls giggled all the way through the store and not cute giggle, out of control giggling. Bitting each other and laughing. Saying potty words at the top of their lungs and laughing. I wanted to hide.
-We ended up at Darcy's home. She showed us her cute home and her fun vision for it and we dreamed and clicked around on Pintrest, while our girls played together.
-I ended the day on Sierra's bed reading her Mary Poppins. I have never read it before and it is really the cutest, sweetest, most wonderful children's story ever. We are halfway through and enjoying every word together.