I and little Miss MJ went to the Walmart on Tuesday. I hate and love that place. I hate it for most of the reason's anyone hates Walmart; however, the biggest reason for my dislike is the hypnotising, time warping, times sucking, time wasting phenomena that seems to only occur there. I walk in there and I go into what I like to call the "Walmart Zone." I feel like my brain doesn't work there. I just meander in out of isle with no real purpose. Well, Tuesday I took a list and that helped the entire process become more efficient.
First on the list, fabric for the girl's Easter dress.
See here. I was so excited to find this beautiful piece. It was big enough and the perfect color and the feel of the fabric was nice. Ten dollars and a few notions later the girls will have Easter dresses. Yeah!
Little Miss MJ was jabbering through our entire trip. She has really blossomed these last few weeks. I don't think she took an entire breathe the whole time we were out together.
(A few more budding MJ moments.)
On Sunday, as I was making my way though the church hallways, I passed by the sunbeam class, and MJ was talking to a little boy in her class. She said boldly, "I am Madison J.... M....!" Then she said, "I can twirl my dress." She proceeded to demonstrate her twirling skills. I laughed.
Today, MJ interjected as I and CC were discussing her dad's desire to not have his socks matched, "My daddy is handsome!"

She brought this picture to me yesterday and exclaimed, "It is a picture of all of us!" I said, "It is!" I love how she said, "All of us!" It warmed my heart.