If you don't own this book, you must. A dear friend gave this book to me on Sierra's first Easter. It is a classic.
It was written in 1939, but it is really hard to tell. The theme of the book is applicable today. It is about a little cotton tail girl bunny who dreams of growing up and becoming a great Easter Rabbit. One of my favorite lines is, "What did we tell you! Only a country rabbit would go and have all those babies. Now take care of them and leave Easter eggs to great big men bunnies like us."
Through being a mother she comes to learn all there is to know to become a Easter Rabbit. I think it glorifies the greatestness of motherhood. In the very end of the book the Easter Rabbit delivers a peek-a-boo egg to a little sick boy.
I have pictured a peek-a-boo egg below. They are now a thing of the past and it really breaks my heart because I think peek-a-boo eggs should be as much a part of childhood as snowglobes. They are also referred to as panoramic eggs. You can order your child one from sugareggs.com. There are also great tutorials on Youtube if you would like to save a little money and make your own. Pictured below are two little ones I fould at Funfinity in Orem for .25 a piece.