Every time I get back from a trip to see my family the first thing I do is upload the memory card from my camera, I am always disappointed.
All I can think about is every moment I didn't capture. I don't know, maybe I am so busy enjoying myself I don't take the time to capture the truly amazing moments. The moments I wish I had of captured were...
Colton, Everetts, and Kate's birthday BBQ.
Watching Colton, Kate, Madison, and Sierra all squeeze into a corner of the Little Tike plastic playground.
Adalie and Sierra laughing there heads off at the word ski-motor.
The beautiful colorful tulips on the grounds of the Provo Temple.
My father playing with my children.
Grandpa making the pancakes the morning that we left with grape syrup and whipping cream.
Derrick and Madison talking to each other and laughing.
Reupholstering Jennifer's chair for her nursery, which we hope and pray will welcome a baby someday. Before and after picture, or any picture at all, of the project.
Baby Lydia's adorable chunky cheeks.
Movie night in Jennifer and Derrick's theater room in their basement. Dancing to and laughing at the horribly weird show "The Muppets".
Adam and Kimberly holding hands. We didn't even see it, it was subtle, but I wish I had a picture.
Those are the moments I missed that I wish I hadn't. These are the moments I captured.

Easter Dinner with my whole family, minus Michelle and her brood.

Madsion falling asleep on the way back from seeing our cousins in Santiquin. We did get to see Grandma and Grandpa and all our cousins. We were sad we didn't see Aunt Jenny.

Jumping on the tramploline with the sprinklers underneath. They begged. I let them. Madison now has a horrible cough, so much for mother of the year.

Playing with cousin Kate is one of my girls favorite things to do.

Shopping at Target with my youngest sisters. We searched the sale racks. We found a few things. Tamara asked my oppinion on the dress. Then she didn't trust my oppinion and made me go and get Kimberly. Look at Kimberly's face, I told you it was a winner.

Cuddling with Grampa. Ahhh.

Wearing our Target finds. Yes, we are cool. Yes, we are hot. I mean HOT.

Finding the perfect curtain fabric for the nursery at JOANN's with this girl.

Celebrating this girl's birthday. She got a Cannon 60D. A little jealous.... yep, I'd say. The cake was divine. We were glad to be there.