We went to the 4H offices so Sierra could take her horse test. She wasn't that happy about it and she didn't even study her manual. I am not sure why we bothered except we committed to go and I guess teaching your children to follow through on commitments is important. She is getting really good at riding and she loves it. She is gentle with the horses and they can tell she really loves them.
The boys fell asleep on the way to the fair grounds and then weren't happy when they woke up. We had to take them into tractor supply to buy a helmet for Sierra. They ran all over the place and whined about everything. It was one of those mom moments where you wonder why you ever go into public with all four of your children.
There are days when I just want to take a day off from being a mother. I received a welcome phone call from my friend Stacey. She asked if we could go into town together. She needed to buy a purse. I left the kids with Nate and went to dinner with her and helped her pick out a purse. It was a much needed break. I feel contention is at a all time high at our house and I don't know how to fix it. I am barely surviving.
I should be glad Nate has planned a vacation to Mexico on Monday. I am overwhelmed by thinking about getting all the kids ready and us ready. Wish me luck.