Grandpa and Grandma came to visit again. Grandma needed some more dental work. Ashton can't get enough of his Grandpa. I know most of the time Grandpa goes home exhausted because this little boy has to have his attention the entire time. I love watching how much joy he feels when his Grandpa comes to town.
We made more masks than I remembered to count. She was a huge help. We got them all done. I hope they helped our community, but the count of COVID infections has been so low here that I don't know if they were much use locally. It did feel good to be doing something instead of sitting at home praying for COVID to end.
I got really adventurous with food for a few weeks and we were continually trying new recipes. I don't know why I have never been able to make beautiful muffins. It is one of my life goals to figure out the trick.
We spent the entire lock down for COVID building structure into our farm. We have over a hundred chickens and get fresh eggs every day. Nate is raising meat chickens to slaughter and consume so we don't have to go to the store for meat. Sounds like an adventure. We haven't gotten to the slaughter and packing part yet, so you will have to wait and hear how I felt about the whole processes when we are done.
Meet ham and bacon. Nate named them and every time the latch on their feeder slams down. He looks at me and says, "Yum, bacon!" We have also never raised pigs. We are having a lot of new adventures this year.
Home church has been one of the hardest changes in my life during COVID. I am a people person. I love people. I miss my people. With that said, I haven't felt a loss of the spirit. I been filled. The Holy Ghost has encouraged and whispered peace and we have had some special moments.
Madison gave a talk she had prepared without telling anyone. She did a really good job and brought both her father and I to tears. She said she had been reading in 1 Nephi about when Nephi says, "I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded for the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men save he shall prepare a way. She testified that Heavenly Father would prepare a way to do every hard thing he asks us to do." Since COVID was requiring us to do a hard things, her words filled my soul and I knew He would provide a way.
Phillip and Katrina saved us from absolute boredom and isolation. There visit was needed. I love them so much. They fished in our pond and listened to the bull frogs. They went hiking with us. They rode the four-wheeler and tried out our Loma merry-go-round. They helped me plant my potatoes and helped get the water to my garden. I am so grateful.
We didn't see these two the whole time. They were two peas in a pod and really enjoyed each others company.
These two, Hazel and Justin are my favorite! Don't tell anyone. They crack me up. I love them so much. Ashton and Hazel played until Hazel came in and said, "I don't want to play with him anymore because all he wants to do is play super-smash-em-brothers. I don't want to play that anymore. Ashton is use to playing with brothers. What can I say? (P.S. Super-smash-em-brothers is a game Ashton and his brother James made up. They build robots out of legos and make them fight. They smash them together until they come apart and then they play again.)
James said he told Ryder his whole life story but he couldn't get up the guts to tell him about his visions struggles. (He is still a little self conscience about not being able to read and do math like his peers.) I giggled thinking Ryder must be a good listener. His Aunt Jennifer confirmed that he is. What a wonderful talent. James being the middle child loves having someone around that will listen to him.
Home church gets more and more adventurous every week. Nate let's one of the boys conduct every week. Ashton always insists on conducting and gets his feeling hurt when he can't. Once while passing around the bread for the sacrament Ashton took the large slice his Dad was breaking up instead of one of the broken pieces. We all lost it and laughed. Not the most reverent sacrament but certainly memorable.
James is always so stoic while conducting and doesn't want to say anything the wrong way. Ashton and James are often willing to pray. My girls are less inclined. Madison plays the piano for all of the Hymns and has really progressed on the piano.
After the Sacrament we break off into primary and Young Women's. Dad teaches Come Follow Me to the Young Women and I use the primary manual to teach the littles. My boys are hardly reverent and it takes a lot to get through a little but they love it. Church is maybe thirty minutes on a good day. I wish it was more organized and more thoughtful but we try and I am certain Heavenly Father is pleased with our effort.

Father's Day. This man hates his picture taken. So, this is what you get, the stink eye. He has been a father for 15 years. He is a unique father. He definitely fathers in his own way. Our children know they are cared for and loved. He often sneaks off and does things with them one-on-one. I'll have a friend say, "I ran into your husband at munchies with Madison the other day." He always does better with them one-on-one. Five was a lot for him to take on. He loves them all, he just has a hard time when they are all together, except around the dinner table because they are quiet. :)
I am grateful for the man that he is. He has sacrificed his body to provide well for them. They want for nothing, except their own room. :) However, I often remind them that if they had a bigger house, then they would be spoiled in all aspects of their lives. I am glad that in that one aspect they are not.
His hands are in pain every day now. I don't think he can continue to work like he has. I don't know where the future will take us but I know being married to him, it will be an adventure. I keep telling him to sell everything and do something he loves. Open a fly shop, write a book or teach biology. We have made enough money to eliminate all our debt. We can live simply. We already sort of do.
This boy is my heart. Look at those eyes. He is so good. All of our conversations lately revolve around Jesus. What is he like? When will he come again? We were reading a verse of scripture the other night and it talked of God being surrounded by numberless concourses of angels. He whispered to me in the most beautiful and sincere way, "Mom, can you imagine seeing Heavenly Father and Jesus and angels. Wouldn't that be cool?" I thought about how much power is in that first chapter of scripture that opens the Book of Mormon.
He struggles with seeing, which affects his learning. He has a book about the air force and he asks if he can fly fighter jets when he grows up. I don't know if he will. I want to believe he can do anything he wants but he has real struggles. I have worked with him every day for the last two years. Sometimes I think he can do anything and he makes everything seem easy. Then other days everything is hard for him. I guess it just depends on which side of his brain wins that day.
I can confidently say this though, "James, if you work hard and trust in the Savior who is the author of all healing you will be able to do all the things you are meant to do in this life. Wasn't that what the Savior was sent here to do? Teach us how to overcome; doubt, discouragement, fear, vision problems, anxiety, and any other hard thing life gives us. You will be able to read as well as I or your Father someday, as you continue to work hard and trust in the Savior. I know that in my soul. I don't know if you will be an air force pilot. I do know that no matter what you do, you will effect lives for good. You will lift people. You will strengthen people. You will be kind and you will stand up for what is right. There is so much goodness in your soul. I love that Heavenly Father sent you to me."