I made these muffins! Can you believe it. I am so proud of myself. My Aunt Susana taught me the tricks to making a good muffin and have been making all flavors. If you won't tell Nate, I will tell you a secret. They are alll whole wheat, and I used applesauce as a substitute for most of the oil. I cut back on the sugar by half. They are really healthy except fo the chocolate chips, which are there to just help the medicine go down. MAN I AM GOOD! I have made dozens of failed muffin recipes, so I am pretty proud. If anyone wants a muffin making lesson, come on over. Here is the trick, in every recipe put at least 2 tsps of Baking Powder and 1 tsp of Baking Soda. Then add a lot of liquid, which will help make the muffin moist in the center. I added an extra cup and a half of warm water to this recipe. I recommend adding some form of liquid, orange juice, milk, banana, pumpkin, or just water until the batter is the consistance of pancake batter. Also, and here is another trick, fill the muffin containers until they are heaped a little above the rim and then pat the tops with water. This will moisten the top of the muffin. Who knows maybe one day I will write my own recipe. Top of the Muffin to you!! :)
I've gotta hear these secrets. They look so yummy...
I want your recipe! Will you e-mail it to me? Pretty Please?? :)
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