Sierra thinks she is WordGirl. She has been flying around the house for days. She was a little disappointed when she realized no matter how many things she jumped off of or how fast she ran she still wasn't going to fly, but she really enjoyed trying.

Meet fishy. Sierra's new best friend. Andrew gave it to her and she thinks, "He is so nice for giving me this fishy." She put a pair of her pajamas on it and has been hauling him around with her all day. Fishy has been seen sleeping with her, taking baths with her, and playing dress ups with her. For the McKnight home it can be said often that, "Someone's trash is another person's treasure." Thanks Andrew you made her week.
Today we went for a walk to our friend Amanda's house. On the way back Sierra insisted on stopping at the park. I pointed up to the clouds and said, "What color are the clouds?" She said, "Black." I said, "That is right, it means it is going to rain soon. Are you sure you want to keep playing?" She wanted to. I thought to myself, "How often do we take our kids to the park and let them play until they are ready to go, instead of us?" I swung Sierra and MJ in the swings. For the first time MJ really liked it. She was giggling so loud. Then, the rain came. We were at least eight blocks from home. When the rain started Sierra was ready to leave. The day wasn't that cold, so I just decided we would skip and dance home.
Sierra watched Cyber Chase yesterday. On the show Hacker was stealing water from this little town, so one of the citizens got these fish to do a rain dance and it started to rain. Anyway, when I encouraged Sierra to dance in the rain she started to cry and said, "No mom, stop it is going to rain harder." Of course it did continue to rain harder and harder. I kept trying to convince her that it wasn't me. She kept yelling, "Stop dancing." Under the trees up ahead the pavement was dry. I told her that I promised if we skip and dance, the rain will let up. She danced until she hit the clearing and then I said, "Look down, we did it. We stopped the rain!" She then got really excited and skipped and danced all the way home.
Under the building where we live, there are really large puddles. Sierra and I jumped around in them. Note: MJ was all snug and dry in her stroller under her little canopy. MJ started to fuss. I picked her up and she fell asleep in my arms, while I was running around chasing Sierra through puddles. We entertained the maintenance people on the building and the security guard. They unabashedly stared at us the entire time we were running through the puddles. All in all, a perfect morning.
Oh my gosh... fishy and flying just made me laugh so hard. I feel so bad you walked home in the rain, even though you enjoyed it you should have come back and i would have driven you home. Thanks for stopping by though! Your the best.
She must be her fathers daughter...for most girls it would be a doll, but Sierra has Mr. Fishy! As for the rest of the story, I think we should all take time to enjoy the good things in life. I wish I could have been there!
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