Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I never thought it would happen. MJ is my sweet daughter who just wants to be held. She would never do anything crazy. EEEEEEE! Wrong. Tonight I put MJ into her bed and let her cry. I haven't let her cry in a while because she has been sick. Anyway, two minutes into it I hear a big clunk. Oh, yes she did. Climbed out of her bed. "
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

CC and MJ still have a really bad croupy cough but they are over the fever portion of this illness. It is so good to see MJ smiling again and eating again. There is nothing better than to see her run from me giggling when I am trying to change her diaper. It feels like it has been an eternity.

Side Note to the side note: My sisters and I had a favorite spoon growing up. It was called The Long Spoon. Its handle was extra long. I believe it was some sort of a dessert spoon. We use to fight over it. Funny to think back on.
Things Sierra has said....
Sierra: I had a really bad dream last night about bats and dinosaurs.
Me: I am sorry. You should say a prayer when you are having bad dreams.
Sierra: I tried mom but it doesn't help.
Me: Well, did you tell those bad dreams, "I am Sierra a Daughter of my Heavenly Father, which makes me powerful. You don't belong in my mind, so leave."
Sierra: Mom, why don't you come in my room and tell my dreams that. But when you are there, close your eyes, because if the bad dreams get in your head it will be so scary.
(heart breaking)
I was getting ready to leave for church. The girls stayed home with their dad. He let me have a break, which I was extremely grateful for.
Sierra: Mom, please don't leave us. I don't want a babysitter.
Friday, January 22, 2010

This morning she brought me her box of flies and she said, "Mom, look at all the empty places in my fly box. I need more flies." I will have to tell her Daddy.
I was teasing her this afternoon and said, "You don't need a sister. You don't need Madison." She said, "Yes, I do. If I don't have Madison, then I will be so poor."
She wanted me to help her with her puzzles and said, "Mom, if you help me with my puzzle, then I will buy you a present someday. I promise I will."
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sierra has been so sick. She is filled with mucus. She has a cough. The night before last she wanted to climb into bed with us. I let her. MJ was already in bed with us. She wanted to be held. She begged and begged me to cuddle her. I pulled her close to me and held her. She started coughing and snooring in my face, because of the mucus. Her hot breathe, hot body, and the constant noise was almost more than I could take, but she kept begging me, "Mom, I need to be held." She was so sick. The worst was MJ was laying next to me on the other side and kept insisting our foreheads touch. Everytime I would move my head toward Sierra she would screetch and pull on my face until my forehead was touching her's. I was all twisted up and miserable and I don't think I slept at all. I just wanted to scream, "Everybody out," but I was too tired to. I need a nap. Sigh.
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I had a dream last night...
I went to a town hall meeting. There was a huge verbal battle between two opposing parties. The meeting ended. I collected the papers I had brought with me. I headed out the door. A man disguised as a painter took out a knife and stabbed me in the gut. I couldn't get my breath. I laid on the lawn. A black helicopter came and took me to the hospital. I was trying to get into see the doctor. I realized if I held my head to the right I could breathe. If I turned my head to the left my breathing would become more and more shallow and I thought I would eventually stop breathing. I kept straining my neck right.
I woke up. Madison was laying on my neck with the bulk of her body on the left side. I was struggling to breathe. Yep, almost died last night by the body of my one year old.
I went to a town hall meeting. There was a huge verbal battle between two opposing parties. The meeting ended. I collected the papers I had brought with me. I headed out the door. A man disguised as a painter took out a knife and stabbed me in the gut. I couldn't get my breath. I laid on the lawn. A black helicopter came and took me to the hospital. I was trying to get into see the doctor. I realized if I held my head to the right I could breathe. If I turned my head to the left my breathing would become more and more shallow and I thought I would eventually stop breathing. I kept straining my neck right.
I woke up. Madison was laying on my neck with the bulk of her body on the left side. I was struggling to breathe. Yep, almost died last night by the body of my one year old.
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010
I have amazing friends that inspire me. We have watched entirely too much television lately and played entirely too many online games. I decide to be more like my friends and come up with an activity for Sierra this afternoon. She was entertained for at least an hour. SCRUB THE TUB. Here is a sponge, some cleanser, and a bucket of water. (I know brilliant!)
[Caution: She did get cleanser all over her exposed body because she insisted on scrubbing in the buff. Then she started to itch all over and did get a slight rash. However, my tub is really clean. Next time we will just use Palmolive. Oh, yes there will be a next time. She loved it. Awesome.]
[Caution: She did get cleanser all over her exposed body because she insisted on scrubbing in the buff. Then she started to itch all over and did get a slight rash. However, my tub is really clean. Next time we will just use Palmolive. Oh, yes there will be a next time. She loved it. Awesome.]
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I haven't in a while, so for this post I thought I would write a little bit about my Tads.
1. Tads knows what she wants to eat. I have been working with her to try new things, but it is a struggle. She knows what she wants to eat and will fuss and fight if she doesn't get it.
2. She loves whole milk now. It was a struggle but now she loves it. She begs for it and you can find her often with a bottle of milk in one hand and a fist of my hair in the other hand.
3. She loves to play with my hair, just like her sister did.
4. She says hello every time she picks up a phone. One of the only words she knows and she doesn't say it right, but does the inflexions perfectly. The word sounds more like ey-o.
5. She loves her Dad and her Dad has a huge soft spot in his heart for her. He doesn't like to hear her cry and he often rescues her and brings her into bed with us.
6. She has one of the cheesiest grins I have ever seen on a child and I love it.
7. She has a very infectious laugh. Sierra will do almost anything to get her laughing. Tads starts laughing and then Sierra immediately joins in and Nate and I aren't far behind, even if we don't understand what is funny, it is hard not to laugh.
8. At dinner time whatever food you give her she blows on it before she eats it. Tonight she wanted goldfish and insisted on blowing on them before she would eat them. (Goldfish for dinner? I know... bad mom.)
9. She is super possessive of her mother and when Sierra tries to hug me in front of her, Tads starts screaming, whimpering, and climbing in between us. (A reaction CC enjoys so she always hunts for Tads out of the corner of her eye as she climbs into my arms.)
10. She loves to be outside and will often pull me to her stroller, carseat, or the door or window and whimper to let me know it is time for fresh air.
11. She isn't as Kingonish as she use to be but still she doesn't like to be behind a door her mother is infront of. She will start screaming like crazy.
12. She walks everywhere now. I don't remember the last time I saw her crawl to anything. She is very offended when you accidently bump into her. (Which happens alot because she is so little it is hard to see her sometimes.)
13. She loves to wake me up in the morning with great big slobbery open mouth kisses all over my face.
14. She is about 14 and 1/2 months old. I can't believe she is so big and I can't imagine life without her. I love her so much.

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