Madison found a container of binkis I had give to Sierra to use for her baby dolls. I bought a few for MJ when she was little but she never took to them... until now. At 14 1/2 months she finds these binkis and starts sucking on one and I think it soothed her sore gums. (She is teething again.) It has only been a few days and I wonder will this pass, or is she going to form an attachment? Should I take it away or just let it go?

CC loves putting puzzles together. She is really good at it. This puzzle has 150 pieces. She worked on it for two days. At times she complained it was too hard. I kept encouraging her. I didn't touch a single piece she finished it this afternoon. She was so proud of herself.

Lately, my girls have really had fun playing with the bathrooom rugs. They each get a butter knife or a comb or a fork and they use it to spread the fibers and create a picture. They love it.
I say let her use them for relief...Angela did the exact same thing. She's over it now, it only lasted a couple months. Every day, I give her a sippy of whole milk (the kind that are soft nippled)...other than that, just teething drops to help soothe her. Those dang molars have got to be painful-so, I think whatever works is great.
Take it away!!!!! Just kidding, do whatever you want! You know how I feel about binkies after Asher, but that was only cause he wanted them for sleep and it kept me up-! Love ya!
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