We went and played on the tennis courts in the morning. Sierra road her bikes around in circles and MJ chased her on foot.

MJ loves the tennis courts and I love the tennis courts because I can trap her in and let her run.

We went to the store. Dad ran in and bought some hot dogs. Then we went to the park and grilled them. They weren't good. We have realized there are somethings you can cheap out on and somethings you can't. Hot Dogs are one thing you can't. However, it was fun hanging out at the park with the family and grilling. We imagined what it would be like if we lived in the canyon home, we have been drooling over, and to be grilling beef hot dogs over mesquite. Okay, maybe steak instead.

Well, that is another life and this up-in-the-air, don't-know-what-tomorrow is going to bring life is also pretty exciting.

The rest of this post is devoted to my pumpkin-chocolate chip muffin fans. I should start a fan page. This recipe isn't quite as healthy but it is blow your mind good. Yes, I wrote the recipe. Someday when my book is worth $19.95 a copy you are going to thank me for these free-bees. :)
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 LG bananas fully ripe
1/2 cup white sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1/3 cup melted butter
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp cinnamon
Add the wet ingredents and whip until there are no more banana chunks. Then add the dry ingredients and gently work together until fully combined. Scoop into greesed muffin tins. Fill to heaping and then pop them in the oven on 350 degrees for about 20-30mins.
Watch out cause you got yum comming your way soon.
So, it is fast Sunday and I am killing time on the blogs and what do I see - your yummy banana muffins. They look so good. I think I will make them for breakfast tomorrow.
Hey cute girl, there are no nuts in your banana nut muffins. :)
They look tasty. I'm going to try them.
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