MJ has been extra clingy the last few days and I have been dying. I have been wanting to make some progress on her and Sierra's costumes. Today I pushed MJ aside, by sticking her infront of the television, and I started sewing like a tazmanian devil on steroids. I got her costume done and the largest part of Sierra's costume done. MJ was whinning, "hold you, hold you." Finally, sighing in submission, I picked her up and layed down on the couch with her in my arms. She fell asleep quickly and her body temperature started to rise. She is very sick. I am very sad. I made her a great costume for Halloween. I hope she doesn't miss Halloween this year like
last year.
Laugh: In her sick little voice MJ said, "Mom, cherios?" I got her some. Then she said, "Mom, milk ribbit. Mom, milk ribbit." Finally got it, she wanted milk with her cherios. Milk ribbit = milk with it.