I took this little rascal to school today and my little MJ wanted to play on the playground. The school has a rule that no adults are allowed on the playground during drop off. (For saftey reasons.) I told MJ as soon as we dropped CC off we would go find the little playground next to our house and play. The bell rang, CC lined up and we blew kisses at her as she marched into class. Then we were off. The sky was a breath taking blue and it was filled with huge fluffy white clouds. The park was empty. MJ had so much fun. She giggled all the way down the slide and when her little fingers touched mine as I caught her at the bottom I would get a little shock. Then she would say, "Again." I would say, "You want to go again?" She would reply, "Alright." I love all her new words and her cute giggle.
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