We had no school today. Sierra's rash got worse. Last night her pink dots turned to pussy weepy sores. It was like my baby hit puberty early and had a zitty, pizza, puss filled, face. She went to school yesterday and she said the kids kept telling her, "You have pink dots on your face." She said, "I know." She said, "Mom, why did kids keep saying that, don't they know that I know I have pink dots on my face." (I laughed to myself.)They actually started to look better by the afternoon and you can hardly tell they are there in this picture with all the "hazel nut spread" on her face.
It is a lot of work having both of my girls home all day. There is endless teasing and playing. I always know when they are getting into trouble, because unlike other children, my children think it is absolutely hilarious to do naughty things. The more each other laughs the more mischievous they get. True example: MJ spit water out on the floor. Sierra starts laughing. MJ does it again. Sierra copies. MJ starts laughing. Sierra does it again. Insane laughter erupts from the kitchen, I peak in and see them. Sigh.

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