Sadly, they have been unable to have children. They have been through multiple procedures and spent countless hours hoping, praying and not yet realizing their dream. I got a special phone call from Jennifer the other day and she asked me, "What should we do?" I felt a little humbled because she is my big sister and I am the one who goes to her seeking advice. I said, "Put your paperwork in for adoption, because you don't know why your Heavenly Father has lead you down this path. There maybe a little baby out there that is meant to be apart of your and Derrick's life that wouldn't have been able to if you had of conceived in a conventional way." We both shed a few tears and she hung up the phone. A few weeks later the process was complete.Click here to see.
I am writing to say that if you know of anyone out there who has made the difficult decision to allow their baby to be adopted to please send them to Jennifer and Derrick's profile.
I pray that Madison will be bold in standing up for those who are too shy to stand up for themselves. I remember one day standing awkwardly on the school grounds and some bullies coming up to I, Jennifer, and my other sister Michelle and saying, "Give us a cigarette or money or we won't let you pass." Jennifer told them they would let us pass and she took our hands and pushed passed the bullies.
I pray that Madison will inspire and encourage people the same way Jennifer has. I remember Jennifer deciding to go to college and encouraging me to do the same thing. After a small attempt at taking a few classes and working full time, she insisted I could work full time and go to school full time. She signed me up for a full semester of classes and said, "If I can do it, you can do it." I was scared but I believed her. I would have never graduated from college without her encouragement.
I pray that Madison is as compassionate. I remember calling my big sister and bawling several times because I have been in distress and her running to my aid. One time in particular, I was eight months pregnant and our neighbor had threatened my life, she was crazy. I didn't know how I was going to find a place and move before our lease was up. (My husband was going to dental school and didn't have a lot of time.) She bought at ticket and was there in a few days. We found a place and moved. It was like a whirl wind. Nate and her moved us and then she spent the next few days putting my house together, decorating it, and making it feel like a home.
Then as dental school drew to a close we were out of money and had no way of paying to move out here to Colorado. It took one phone call. She said, the money would be in our bank account within the hour. It was. It took us a while to pay her back but she never mentioned it and whenever I did, she said, "Take your time, I am not worried about it."
I pray Madison loves putting a smile on other people's faces and blessing their lives the same way Jennifer does. She has been like a fairy godmother to my children. She has sent them packages, taken them shopping at the Disney store, taken them to soccer games, had an endless number of parties for them at her house. She loves them like her own children and they are eternally blessed to have her as their Aunt.
Derrick is every bit as sweet and compassionate and kind and generous as my sister. He has added so much laughter and happiness to our family since Jennifer married him. We are truly blessed to have him in our lives too. Madison loves him so much.
Please forward this link on to anyone who could help them.
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