Tuesday, October 30, 2012


 Sierra stayed home from school sick today.
I am kind of giggling about it, because she never really acts sick.
It is hard to take her "sick" seriously.
She sounds croupy, has a cough, a sore throat, and a slight ear ache.
However, she has plenty of energy to run around and tease.
Kay invited us up to the farm to see Treasure's babies and despite how sick she was Sierra was eager to go.
Treasure is the Papa.
He is one of the baby chicks that Sierra helped raise.
The mother is Little Grey, also one of Sierra's chicks.
See here and here.
Look how much he has grown and now he has babies of his own.
We are hoping they survive the winter.
Kay is going to keep them in the green house and we hope it helps.
The girls also helped repair the rope swing and played on it for a bit.
It was hard to convince these girls to leave the farm but Sierra really needed some rest, so she can head back to school tomorrow.

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