Sunday, August 18, 2013


The other morning James was being very clingy. I really couldn't get anything done. I had spent all week making a quilt for a baby shower. I needed to go and buy the back and the binding. I was running around trying to get out the door. James was fussy. I just put him in his crib while I finished getting ready. I knew he was going to fuss for a little while longer but I didn't care. I didn't have time. He screamed for a while. Madison often seems to regard James's screams as background noise. Most of the time it is like she doesn't even hear him. She came in to the bathroom while I was quickly doing my hair and she said, "Mom, is it okay if I try to calm down Jamesy Boy?" I said, "If you want to." I heard him stop about the time I finished up my hair and so I went to check on them. She was sitting in his crib singing to him. She was singing random songs she had made up in a really sweet quiet voice. It was so precious. I had to take a picture. He wasn't asleep, but was just laying there peacefully. I love moments like these.

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