Wednesday, December 11, 2013



 These elastic bracelets are really popular at Sierra's Elementary school
She has wanted to learn how to make them for months.
Honestly, I just didn't know how.
There was this crazy loom involved. It looked complicated.
I had watched a few YouTube videos and really couldn't figure out an easy way to teach her.
I mentioned my frustration to Barbara and she said her kids learned how to make them on their fingers.
I told her I would buy a bunch of elastics and send Sierra over to Barbara's house to make them.
She said that would be fun.
Sierra's friend Wyatt taught her how. Remember Wyatt Wednesdays?
He loves making them.
Sierra was so proud of her beautiful bracelets.
She taught all the activity day girls how.
Funny, she won't wear her bracelets to school.
She says she doesn't want to show off.
They are really fun to make, even Madison can make them.



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