We all met at the Provo Cemetery.
Sorry Bonnie, I should have tucked in your tag but didn't notice it until I was making this post. Your little one is so adorable I had to include it. Forgive me. |
We talked about Utahna, my father-in-law's mother. I got to meet he briefly. She died shortly after we went to Pittsburgh. Our lives were so busy when we were first married we only saw her at family events. She never could remember who I was. She would always tell Nate how lovely I was and that he should settle down and marry me. She said that even after she attended our wedding and Sierra's baby blessing.
My biggest regret was when Nate bought his Crocs that he wore everywhere. She would comment and say I would like a pair of those but in pink. They made them in pink. I asked Nate if we should get her a pair. He said, "Why, she wouldn't remember them the next day?" I think she would have and I think she would have loved them. I will have to apologies when I see her again. Luckily, we are bound together even beyond the grave. I will get my second chance. However, it isn't very likely she will care much about pink crocs then. It sure would have tickled her soul if I had of acted on that impression.

I never met Nate's grandpa. He was dead long before I came along. I wish I could have met him. It is hard to know if you would have liked a person when you only have the memories of others to rely on to know them. I think we will met him someday. Dad, my father-in-law, always says, "He was an awful lot like your husband." Maybe in a way I have met him and I know that I would have liked him very much.
Maybe I photograph my kids a little to much. Maybe it is just their personalities. They sure are the miserable ones of the bunch aren't they? I think it is mostly a show.... especially that Sierra.
Until you ask them which one is the tallest, that put a little fire in Sierra.
Sierra chose to put the flowers we bought on Marry Ann Darrow's grave. Maybe mom will leave a comment and tell us exactly how we are related but Sierra loves the stories about this woman. She chopped off her own toe because it had become so infected she would have died if she left it and stood up against an Indian with a knife. She was very brave.