Monday, February 22, 2016


James was showing me that earlier in the week his sisters taught him how to make nests out of mud and grass. They were really cool. I love living on a farm and watching how creative my children are. I loved this little project of theirs.

Nate got his compact bow out and was shooting it in the front yard. James was so excited. I wish I could have captured his enthusiasm better. I took several videos but every time I was filming he was mellow and every time I dropped the camera he was over the moon excited.
This is the little birds nest they saw on our property and tried to copy it. It was in our little fountain on the side of the house.

Madison wanted to show me and tell her about how they made the nests and how they figured out how to make them. Then they placed several in the trees around our property. I guess to give the birds a little bit of a helping had. What a sweet gesture.
Madison was giggling because Ashton's belly was exposed. I flipped the camera around and took a picture of me and my boy on my hip. He was jabbering and as big a part of they whole evening as anyone else.
Where was Sierra? Girls on the run. She wanted to join again this year. I guess I will be running another 5K. This time I better train. 

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