Saturday, October 1, 2016


I have needed to clean out the chicken coop for a while. It has been on my list of to do's for too long. I have been trying to include the boys in my projects more. I thought, Lisa, you should let them come with you, instead of putting them in front of a show. I believe the thought was the Spirit. I know I need to teach them how to work and they love it, but it adds time and messes to every project. I have been trying to learn to just accept that the project will go slower and there will be a million interruptions and enjoy the moment. I countered, I will turn on Jack and the NeverLand Pirates in my room cuddle them up with bottles and sippy cups and go clean it out. It will be easier. Who wants their three year old and eighteen month old knee deep in chicken droppings. They were going to touch it. Yickes! Then I thought, it will be okay, you will just all take a bath when we were done. We put on shoes and thick socks and went to work. It did take about three hours, but it went by quickly, and those two boys grinned from ear to ear the whole time.  

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