Thursday, March 23, 2017


 Meet my sweet Charlotte an her equally sweet Ruby. Ah! Bask in their sweetness for a minute. Don't forget sweet Margaret and don't they have the best names ever! I wanted to eat up sweet Ruby! Isn't she the most petite, beautiful, baby. My sister Jennifer gave birth to her a few weeks before Spring Break. She is the one in the baseball shirt whose body looks like it has never given birth. She is so adorable. She made pumpkin chocolate cookies with the kids. Charlotte kept throwing her arms in the air and proclaiming best day ever! The other little ones followed her lead. Ashton is wearing one of her shirts, in case you wondered why he is wearing such a masculine looking shirt. I can't remember what happened, but I am sure it was typical Ashton stuff. James cried the whole time and said he wanted to go home. I wanted to mash him like potatoes, especially because Charlotte was being so sweet. He sounded like Eeyore and was throwing a real pity party for himself.


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