Wednesday, October 25, 2017


 The main point of the trip was to go and tour the Israelite Temple Exhibit at BYU. It was very interesting to see the progressing of temples throughout time. We loved learning about how the children of Israel worshiped Jehovah. The smell of the incense brought me back to the streets of Hong Kong. The burn a lot of incense there. It was interesting that the most holy part of the Israelite temple was the darkest part of the temple. Yet, the holiest parts or modern temples are the brightest most lite parts of the temple. The sacrificing rituals were so dirty, and the temples now are so clean. These contrasts seemed to point to the Savior, who at the meridian of time overcame darkness and death and poured his perfect light into the world. The similarities were also inspiring. The quality of the materials used were the finest the Israelite's could come by, similarly today we use the finest materials we can obtain. The Israelite temple was set up like a linear progression and our temples are set up in a way we progress through them too. Although, our progression is less linear and more of an ascension but that too points to the Savior of the world, who made that possible. It was really interesting.

We went to Jerel and Inez's afterwards and Nate got to reconnect with one of his best friends from when he was a kid and his roommate at college, Zack Gilming. It was fun to listen to Nate laugh, his deep laugh. The laugh he makes when he is in company with  people that know his soul.

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