Friday, November 23, 2018


He has been up building all Thanksgiving break. He is obsessed with Legos. He disappears all day. He is quiet. He is thinking and building. He wakes up in the morning with a new idea about something he can build. Today, a tree house. Tomorrow, we will see. He comes home from school and runs upstairs and I never hear from him again. I beg him to come down to do his "Mommy School." He gets upset. I tell him if he doesn't focus and give his best work, I will sell his legos. He focuses. He can't imagine a space where he cannot build. I worry he is too obsessed. I tell myself, he will be an engineer like his Uncle Paul or contractor like his Uncle Spencer, to calm my nerves. I don't know what he will be, but I am certain he will build.

I am grateful for the Holy Ghost and his guidance to look on Craigslist for someone selling legos. I found a man with two giant bins for $80.00. When one nice set costs as much, I felt blessed.  I bought them. The boys no longer have to be screen zombies for me to teach Madison or Sierra. My soul is more at peace. I am grateful. Truly an answer to my prayers.

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