Monday, April 8, 2019


 James and Ashton spent the whole afternoon picking dandelions out of they yard for me. They were overjoyed to show me how hard the had worked. They asked me what they should to with them all because Ashton wanted them out of his "suitcase". I said, "Let's put them all on a beautiful white plate on my dresser." They did and they ran outside to find more for me. I love my little boys. They are so eager to make me happy. They are such good boys. 

Logan loves Madsion so much and often chooses her over me. I was putting her hair in a ponytail this morning and he kept petting her hair. I thought it was so tender. They have such a sweet friendship.

I can say the greatest thing homeschool has done for our family is my children's love for each other has grown so much. They are so kind to eachother. Madison spent several days outside trying to teach James how to ride a bike. I was grateful for her efforts but thought nothing would become of it. I have tried to teach him how to ride a bike and he just doesn't seem to understand balance. 

A few hours later they both came in the house grinning from ear to ear. Madision was triumphing because James had learned to ride a bike and she had taught him how. I was incredibly surprised when I looked out the window and saw him riding around the property. She was a huge cheerleader to him and applauded each of his victories. James worked so hard to please her. 

I have felt the dividing power of public school not that it is an intentional power but I think our kids are fighting a battle in school and when they come home they often forget we are team. 

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