Friday, August 2, 2019


My grandfather passed away unexpectedly. He was getting old but he was still so full of life. He was working on the washer and dryer in the morning and that afternoon he just went home to be with his Creator. He lived such a glorious life. He could not have lived it more devoted or faith filled. I remember asking him if he ever regretted not going to Juilliard he said, “That was never my dream. I wanted this life.” It is interesting how our choices effect generations. I am glad he chose to marry my grandma at eighteen and have 17 children. I am glad he endowed each of his children and grandchildren with a love of music. To say he will be missed is an understatement. I hope my devotion to family and faith emulates his. I know he loves me. I am grateful for all the years I got to spend  not only being his granddaughter but his neighbor.

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