I love Halloween. It is my favorite holiday. There is something about getting dressed up that I love. CC wanted to be Tinker Bell this Halloween. My sister Michelle sent her most of the costume. However, I added long sleeves to an old t-shirt, so she could wear it under her costume. I sewed some green fleece together and covered her boots. Then we added a white fleece ball. She loved being Tinker Bell and as you can tell was way more excited about it than the super hero costume from last week.

She went to the ward trunker-treat. They trick-or-treated through the halls. Then they played some games in the cultural hall. She loved it. She said she played pumpkin bowling. She said, "Mom you know why I got all these suckers?" I said, "No." She said, "Because I bowled that pumpkin over and over till no one was left." I am not exactly sure what that meant but she had a huge grin on her face, so I am sure it was fun.

Nate took a picture of his friend James and their daughter. I love this costume. Her mom made it. Isn't it great.

MJ was sick all day. I am so sad. She had a fever of a hundred and four. (Maybe, from crawling through throw up. Yucky.) Even though she missed out on Halloween, at least she got to go to ZooBoo this year.

MJ didn't want me to do anything but hold her, so I couldn't cook dinner. Nate was kind and went and got pizza and soda. Here is CC sporting her after dinner mustache

Since Nate got to take CC to the ward activity, he let me take a break from caring for MJ and take CC trick-or-treating. It was a beautiful evening. There was only a slight chill. CC insisted on wearing her coat backwards with her hood facing out like a basket. Then she made people put her candy in her hood. She thought that was really fun. I kept trying to get her to say Thank you or trick-or-treat but she wouldn't do either. Then I suggest she should say it in Spanish. She then proclaimed at the top of her lungs, at the next two doors, gracias. When I pointed out if she was brave enough to say gracias then she could say thank you, she stooped saying gracias and went back to playing shy.
Cute costume! I love it! Sorry MJ is sick! Hope she gets feeling better soon poor girl...
Sierra's costume is beautiful. I can't believe MJ crawled through throw up! I hope she gets better soon. No little girl should have to be sick twice in a row.
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