She has barley let me put her down for the last two day. I know she has teeth coming in, but I really would like to have some space. Plus, I would really like to finish cleaning my house at a regular pace, not slow motion. All in due time. As a young mother I am suppose to enjoy these fleating moments... right?

See the mess in the background. One day at a time right?
I feel for ya, sista. Ang is the same at the moment. She's got four molars that have a couple points through, and two more teeth that are poking their way through the gums. Poor girl. Keeps our arms toned if nothing else, right? Hope you're doing well. We'll get together one of these days. I won't be up for traveling for a year or so again, but you're welcome to come visit any time, we really aren't that far.
Gotta love the leach!! :-) First pic is so sweet!
The house cleaning can most assuredly wait, although it always drove me nuts to be in a cluttered house. I always felt like I couldn't relax unless the messes were cleaned up. But guess what, the kids appreciated the clean house, but they appreciated the little moments in between the house cleaning even more. It's all a tricky balancing act!
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