Thursday, September 5, 2013


 I have been cleaning the windows in our basement apartment. There seems to be a plethora of toads down in the window wells. Madison is thrilled every time she spots one. She names the toad Fred and keeps it as a pet for the day. Sierra sets it free at night. Then Madison is begging to clean another window the next morning. The master bedroom window well was a bit creepy. We found five toads petrified in various froggy positions; jumping, crouching, mouth opened, and mouth closed. Madison was giddy. She kept giggling and proclaiming, "another stick frog!" I wasn't as impressed.

She loves playing with these toads. She has raced them across the floor and helped them jump from amazing heights. I love listening to her little voice say, "Now mommy we have to make them a habitat. Okay mommy? We need something tall so they can't jump out." I let her use the tub as her habitat for a little while, until she found a box and put a few rocks in it. She would let the toad jump around and then say, "No, no, Fred not that way!"

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