Tuesday, September 10, 2013


What do you think of Sierra's new bangs? She likes them. A lot!

It really is just a comb over using the end of her ponytail. I will never do bangs or short hair again on this girl. She said to trick you... but I just can't! It mortifies me to think of ever touching her hair with scissors again.

We have had a bit of a cricket infestation lately.I call it the cricket house from (that hot place none of us wants to go.) I can't even begin to describe the noise a cricket makes when it is in your house. It is so loud. There seems to be at least one in our house chirping all night long, every night. I find it about mid-afternoon and kill it and then more come back the next night. Several crickets have meet there demise in various ways in our home. I will share with you the three best. (Warning: We are about to get graphic.)

1. I was talking to my sister, after my family left after Sierra's baptism. I told her how much I appreciated them coming to visit. James starts to scream. I look down. He has a cricket wiggling between his fingers. I know everything in his hand goes in his mouth. I threw the phone and screamed. I picked James up and flung the cricket out of his chubby, grasping hand. I heard my sister saying, "Hello, hello, are you okay?" I picked up the phone. I was shaking. "We are fine. I think James either attempted to or was just about to eat a cricket. I got it out of his hand and now I can't find it." Minutes after I hung up with my sister, I find the cricket between Sierras scriptures and my purse, which were laying on the kitchen table. It was dead. It had two tiny slits in its thorax, about the approximate length of baby teeth. It's guts were oozing out of the slits. Only heaven knows what really happened, but my bet is the baby bit the cricket.

2. Sierra was getting ready for bed and walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth and steeped on a cricket with her bear little toes. She screamed and spread its guts as she rubbed her toes clean against the tile. Then she washed her toes in the tub. Poor girl won't go into the bathroom unless the lights are on now.

3. Today, there was a cricket chirping all morning in the kitchen. I ran some errands today. When I returned home after picking up Sierra it was still chirping. I told her, "I think it is behind the fridge. Here take this spatula. I am going to move the fridge away from the wall and I need you to whack it." She got ready to pounce. I threw the fridge forward. She screamed, "I got it but another one jumped under the oven." I grabbed the oven door and said, "Now we are going to do the same thing again, are you ready." She said, "Ready." I pulled the oven forward and she jumped but she was too late. The cooling rack, that was wedged between the oven and the fridge, fell over and smashed that loud, chirping guy dead. We both laughed an evil happy laugh.

Can't wait for the first frost. The end!

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