Sunday, November 15, 2015


Well, she got a tooth fixed. She needs more work, yea for me because she is coming back! She helped me clean up my new house and helped me move a lot of heavy things. Chase helped too. We ate amazing breakfast burritos and pizza. We watched movies and played with the babies. We had a great visit. We love these two and appreciate their willingness to come and help. Their support means everything to us.

We are ponderizing in our home. This was our scripture this week.

D&C 78:19 My sister Michelle encouraged me to use it.

And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.

I love it and it has been and answer to my prayers. I have felt so lifted by it. I have had this mounting frustration in my soul over the last several years. I can feel it coming and then I can feel it bursting inside me. I want to snap at everyone in my path. Lately, I hate this frustration I feel. I have fallen on my knees several times and begged my Father-in-Heaven to take it from me. It doesn't matter. I stand up from that prayer feeling just as anxious and snappy five minutes latter. I have tried breathing, but mostly I just breath fire.

GRATITUDE has been the answer.

I didn't realize it was so simple. (But by small and simple things great things are brought to pass.)When I feel these emotions rise. I start listing aloud everything I am grateful for. I am grateful for my boys that they have energy and life. I am grateful for a floor to spill on. I am grateful that I have the money to buy new oil. I am grateful for paper towels to clean up the mess. I am grateful for a washer and dryer to launder the clothes. I am grateful for the energy and the physical ability to clean. The FRUSTRATION MELTS. I tell you it melts. Experiment this week. It is magical, not magical, divine.

If you can't tell Ashton crawled into my pantry; retrieved the oil, unscrewed the lid, and spilt half a gallon onto the floor, and then crawled through it and over to me. I thought I was in a beautiful moment discussing the scriptures with my older children. When I picked him up I was like, "Why are you wet?" He wasn't wet, exactly.

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