Thursday, August 18, 2016


I can't believe she is 11. I don't even think of her as 11, I think of her as 11 going on 16. She is so grown up in so many ways. She responsible. She is my best babysitter. She watches the children and changes their diapers and feeds them. I can't wait till she is 13, because then I can pay her to babysit my children when Nate and I go on dates.

She is beautiful. She is kind. She is responsible. She loves animals, especially horses. She has a strong desire to be good. I remember a conversation with her earlier this year about teasing her siblings. I hate it when she teases them. I have asked her repeatedly not to. Her punishment for teasing is pulling weeds. One day when I had enough of her teasing I lost it with her. She started to cry and she said, "I pray continually for Heavenly Father to help me not tease. I don't want to tease. I just have done it so much I can't stop. I have prayed and prayed and I can't stop. She started crying uncontrollably. My heart felt for her. I was reminded of all the silly sins I commit over and over again and which seem impossible to overcome. She is so sweet to rely on her Heavenly Father.

She bore her testimony last fast Sunday about the important's of following those who are older and wiser than us. She told her story of her ducklings not listening to her. I don't think there was a dry eye in the entire congregation. I looked over at my friend Leslie, who has been taking the discussions for six months. She was crying too.

She has become a new person since we moved onto this farm. I know we moved her for her. She has become more at peace and more happy. She was meant to live in the country. Her heart is here.

She got a paddle board for her birthday. Her dad took the whole family down the Colorado river while she rode on her paddle board. She loved every minute of it. She was a little unsure in the beginning where you get in the water is swift and runs against some piers. She was nervous but once we were past the piers she was fearless and don't worry the part of the Colorado we go on is like a lazy river. I wish I had pictures. I was too nervous to take my camera and I have regretted it ever since.  

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