Saturday, May 6, 2017

BUBBLES and a day with the NEFF's

 Yesterday the Neff's children came to play all day. My children couldn't have been happier.They had the day off of school, so they hung out in their pajamas. I love days were they can. We had the best pancakes I have ever made for breakfast. We played bubbles in the backyard after breakfast. For lunch I let each one of the kids make their own pizza. I put a lot of toppings out. They mostly chose pepperoni. I really thought they wouldn't be able to eat their own pizzas. I thought they would save some for dinner but they ate all of it. There wasn't a piece left. When Ashton and Caitlin woke from their naps, I had to make them their own pizza. Caitlin ate all of her's minus a slice. Crazy hungry kids. We played Mexican train and colored. I don't know if I would have been so attentive and had so much fun with my kids on their day off, if the demands of having nine kids in my home didn't make me slow down and be present. I am grateful for that. I realized mother's of nine kids spend most of the day counting and making sure everyone is near and okay. The rest of their time is spent cooking and wiping bums. I think big families are amazing. I still feel I missed my calling in life but I do like how peaceful it is when it is just my four. Although, apart of me is dying as I am watching Max grow up. I can't imagine never having another baby. It makes me too sad for words.  

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