Sunday, May 7, 2017

SUPER BOY and a couple ARTISTS

 I love this picture. I think their hair shows my two little girls differing personalities perfectly. Don't worry, although it was like trying to force a rattlesnake into a mason jar, Sierra did wash her hair and it was beautiful for church. My little Ashton loves putting things together. If you bring a puzzle to church, it will keep him entertained the whole time. He was upstairs playing with the marble run for an hour. James dressed up like a super hero and jumped off the stairs all morning. I am not sure why my children draped all the extra blankets up the stairs, but I do love how their imaginations come alive Sunday mornings. We avoid media on Sunday and it is difficult but so good for them.

Well, today I gave a lesson on faith in Jesus Christ. I was filled with spirit several times as I remembered times in my life when I have acted in faith and I was able to increase in light. I am not a perfect person you can ask the people that are closest to me, they can testify to that. I have a lot to learn but I am learning and growing and isn't that the reason why we wanted to come to this earth. Isn't that what this life is all about, trying, messing up, and repenting and trying again. I am not the same person I was when Sierra was born, or when James was born, or when Ashton was born. I am grateful for that. I don't want to go back. I want to continue in light until the perfect day when I get to stand before the Savior of the world and fall at his feet and thank him for all that he personally did for me. What a glorious day that will be.

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