MJ, Sierra, and I went with a few of her friends to trick-or-treat on main street. MJ got her first lesson in trick-or-treating. She loved every minute of it.

Today was an eventful day. It was Sierra's teacher's last day of school. She decided to stop teaching and be home with her baby Bridgette. Sierra will be getting a new teacher this week. I have been a little nervous, but I hear her new teacher will be just as amazing. We will see how the transition goes in a few days.

Also, it was her best friends last day at her school. She is moving to a new home and will be going to a new school. We are really sad about that too.

She had a awesome time trunk-or-treating at our church. Then she decided she wanted to come home and pass out candy. She set up station right in front of the door. She opened the front door and shut the screen door in front of it. She placed her chair right in front of the screen door and put the bucket in her lap. She just stared out at the pathway up to our house. She sat like this for at least twenty minutes until her daddy caught her. He said she was being creepy and she needed to shut the door and wait till the trick-or-treaters rang the door bell.

I hope you had a Happy Halloween too.
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