-We call her Madison or Lu.
-She says, "Your welcome." It is so stinking cute. If you say thank you for anything she does.
-She is still a Kling-on. Her favorite place to be is beside her mother with her arms around her neck.
-She doesn't like to be around people she doesn't know.
-She is so quick to giggle and her laugh is so contagious. She is constantly laughing when her sister is around. It makes church really hard.
-She loves to read. She insists on reading to me every night before she goes to bed.
-She loves to sing. She sings around the house all the time.
-She is very obedient. She will do anything I ask her to do, when I ask her to do it.
-She says the kindest things to all of us.
-She is Sierra's little cheerleader. She is always telling her how amazing she is and telling her she can do anything.
-She loves her daddy. She gets more excited about pulling in a big fish than he does. She will dance on the shore. She will insist on holding the fish before it can be put back in the water.
-She never let's us forget to pray or read the scripture power.
-She hates having her hair done.
-She loves getting dressed herself.
-She is constantly giving me kisses.
-She loves putting together puzzles.
-She loves her grandparents and constantly asks to see them.
-Her favorite show is Go Diego Go!
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