Yesterday, Sierra had swimming lesson. Madison didn't like it one bit. She didn't want to wait on the side of the pool while Sierra swam. She wanted in the pool. She put her little hands on either side of my face and said, "I needing go swimming right now." I said, "But you don't have a swimming suit." She said, "I will swim in my nudee." I laughed. She wouldn't calm down. I finally had to take a walk with her and get her some skittles out of the vending machine.
Later that evening Nate came home sick, I know ridiculous. Madison brought her daddy a blanket and wrapped it around him. He said thank you and she said, "Your welcome." Then she said that daddy needed one of her stuffed animals and ran to her room and got him one of her stuffed animals and tucked it in with him.
Around 12:00pm, Madison woke up and told me she threw up. I made her a bed on our leather ottoman and put it next to our bed. A few seconds later I hear her vomiting again. I took her and put her in the bath tub. She acted just fine and then vomited all over in the tub. I actually have a picture of it but decided not to include it. (You can thank me for that in the comments section.) I started on the laundry and cuddled her up in a blanket and laid her on the couch and turned on conference for her. I climbed on the couch with her around 1:00am. (The reason why we didn't go back in Madison's bed is because it was still wet from wiping up vomit. The reason why we didn't go lay in my bed was Nate was taking a computerized sleeping test to see if he has sleep apnea. I think Madison had already thrown the test off enough. So, we slept on the couch.)
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