The earth is waking up. It is so amazing to watch. Today we took a short walk to Jess's house and had a good relaxing visit. We got to see nature in all its spring glory as we walked. I love all the beautiful daffodils. And the beautiful buds on the trees. And the emerging blossoms. And the sparrow's song. CC kept making MJ giggle as she would put her sun glasses on MJ, and then pull them off and say, "No, no, no you can't have my glasses." My Aunt Jeannie gave these beautiful sun glasses to CC a few years ago. She still loves them and thinks they are very stylish.
Well, everything seemed to frustrate me this morning. I couldn't find MJ's shoes. The washing machine was throwing a fit again. (I thought I had it figured out.) MJ was constantly whinning. The worst was I felt like I was moving in slow motion. My house is a mess. Sigh. CC prayed this morning over the food and said a beautiful prayer including, "Bless us to know mommy loves us." I finally said to myself, I don't care if we are shoeless and it is cold we are getting out of this house. On the way down the elevator CC said, "Mom, you are acting really bombastic today." I had to agree. Sierra rode her adventurer explorer bike and MJ and I took a walk and nature calmed me. We must have seen a dozen robins today in the park. I am not sure what type of this flower this is. If anyone knows please leave a comment. I think these are crocuses. I told Sierra, "I think I saw these on your Aunt Heather's blog. She said they were her favorite flower. She said, "Mom, I have an idea. When we move to our own home let's plant crocuses and grow them and then pick them and give them to Aunt Heather." I thought she was very sweet for suggesting it.
Sierra loves to read her scriptures. We bribed her to remind us to read our scriptures every night before bed for a month. She did and now it has become a habit. (Hopefully, it will stay that way.) We have read admid out bursts, running around, and teasing cries and despite the fact that I don't believe Sierra has ever heard a single word. I have tried to continue despite it, because I know as Elder Bednard says, there is a blessing in consistency.
Today, I went visiting teaching. The girl we visit taught said her mother use to draw pictures of the story on the pages of her scriptures and let her color them while they read. I think at first I said in disbelief, "On the pages of the scriptures?" She said, yes and she bore a beautiful testimony of how that single set of scriptures had blessed her life for many years. She brought out the set of scriptures she had as a child. In them were crude stick drawings to remind her of the stories. She had colored them in colored pencils and leaving the words still very visable. She said, this was the way her mother kept her children looking at the scriptures while she read. I thought it was genius.
I went home and immediately read the page of scripture we were suppose to read tonight and drew my own crude drawings. We read while Sierra colored. She finished early so I suggested she write Abinadi's name on the top of the page. She loved it. She paid attention and even repeated back the story to her father when we were done. It was amazing.
I like to read the actual scriptures as a family, although Sierra loves to read her Book of Mormon readers on her own, because I think it is important to teach my children the language of the scriptures while they are young. Yet, it is hard to read the actual scripture and keep a captive audience. I was so excited when this worked that I had to share. Hugs.
Today Sierra said, "Will you please do my hair like the black skin fairy in my puzzle?" I did my best. I have to say Sunday is my favorite day. I love it. I love getting my little girls dressed.I love going to church. I am blessed to belong to a really good ward. I love all the people there even the ones that aren't a thing like me. I am so grateful for diversity in a ward. It really challenges your thinking and helps you see things from a different perspective. One of my absolutely favorite things about Sunday is Sunday dinner. I love sitting around my kitchen table and breaking bread with the people I love most in the world. I seem to put a little more effort into the dinner on most Sundays. Not always, we aren't perfect, but when I do and we are sitting there around the table I feel like all is right in the world and that I am immensely blessed. And that is how I felt today.
As I was making the spaghetti, Sierra was telling me a story about the picture she was drawing. I think a few primary lessons were stuck in and greatly altered. You didn't know a child could show such enthusiasm for some dried noodles? Hilarious.
Madison was breaking up spaghetti noodles and laughing her head off. Near the end of the filming she kept say hi-ya. Hilarious
Sierra found this small corner of the staircase to explore. She said, "Mom, this is a spooky place." She wanted to show me everything. I brought a book to read while the girls played but didn't get one full page read. This little girl has been fascinated with words lately. The other night we were watching television and a man said, "What the h@#$?" The next day we were driving to a friends house and she said, "Mom, sometimes people say, what the heck? And other people say, what the h$@#? I like to say, what the h@#$?" I said, "Well, we don't say that word. It is really naughty." She said, "Well it keeps getting in my head. I like it. Maybe I can't say it in front of you or Madison or Dad, but I can just say it when I am by myself. I can just whisper it to myself." I said, "No you can't say it ever, ever, ever." I love this little girl. The conversation wasn't funny but I guess I deserved it. I will do penance now. I told her that we could explore other good words that are fun to say. Today, the word of the day is BOMBASTIC. (With what is going on in the political arena right now the word feels appropriate to learn.) Sierra loves to show MJ all the wonderful things in nature and tell her everything she knows about them. She is always saying, come on Tads follow me. I have mentioned this before but Madison is Sierra's little shadow. I loved watching them play together yesterday. I now know why we didn't really feel like a family until MJ was born.
I am so grateful for my mother and father-in-law. I was so blessed to marry into a good family that inspires me. The cousins are all visiting this week and we are sad. Sierra said, "Mom, it would be so awesome if Grandma and Grandpa and all my friends (aka cousins) could live in the same big house in Pittsburgh." I replied, "Yes, that would be awesome." My father-in-law, who I love and admire, hasn't even met his precious granddaughter Madison. It break my heart, but Nate finishing school should allow us all to come together again soon. (Once again, that is why I am so vigilant about updating my blog. In a way it is a poor substitute, but we are still grateful for the miracle of mordern technology.) Hugs and Kisses.
Despite the fact that this blog was never intented to be a political pulpit, the last post will not be the last time you will hear from me. Because I believe as Aristotle said, "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." More to come. The girls spent the morning infront of PBS. They stayed in their pajamas and reminded me of the old days before sun. When the sun finally came out, we went on an exploring adventure in nature. Sierra filled her backpack with pens, her nature journal, and a magnifiying glass. These are some of the things we saw. Here is Sierra contemplating how to draw a mushroom. Not a mushroom from nature, the giant cement mushrooms next to the public pool, in the park. MJ wondering what is going on. I really wanted to buy CC a magnifying glass and I spent a half-hour on-line trying to locate the best one, when Dad asked what I was doing. I told him. He said, "Oh, I have one she can use." Why didn't I ask? Of course he did. I am reading a book a dear friend gave me on Nature Study. They say that children involved in Nature study are the greatest conservationists. Well, I guess it must be true because CC spent an hour collecting as many worms as she could carry. Then, when I suggest we put them in a jar, she said no they will be happier here in the dirt. Then, when I suggested we use them as bait for her fishing pole, she almost started to cry.
This is not a typical post for me but I am compelled to write it and pray that you will be compelled to read it.
Last night, the Health Care bill passed by a margin of 219 to 212 in the United States House of Representatives. You would think that a piece of legislation this pivotal would be held to higher margin of yea to nay. Not a single republican voted for this bill and it still passed. I watched the final arguments and the vote. I held my breath as each ballot was cast. John Boehner was my favorite speaker.
(I must say I smiled when he used the word hell. ;) His request to have a call of the role was not granted, cowards.)
Here is another favorite.
(Thank you Ryan for exposing the numbers behind this bill, that the Democrats tried hard to suppress. I WANT TO SCREAM, ARE YOU LISTENING MR. PRESIDENT? These are the facts. I can only surmise that you don't care if the economy collapses.)
I hate when politicians elude to the fact that this bill means free health care for the nation. EVERYTHING HAS A PRICE. I was reflecting last night on the price my family and especially my sweet girls will have to pay for this piece of legislation. (I didn't get much sleep.) This morning I arose with a renewed determination knowing that my Father-in-Heaven is the author of faith and not fear.
I came across this talk as I was going about my morning studies. Understanding this talk was given in 1980 and I was born in 1979 holds particular meaning.
It maybe long but I think it is worth the read. ................................................................................... Vaughn J. Featherstone, “‘These Are Not Men to Be Conquered’,” New Era, Apr 1980, 4
It is related of Spinola and Richardet, the ambassadors sent by the king of Spain to negotiate a treaty at the Hague in 1608, that one day they saw some eight or ten persons land from a little boat and, sitting down upon the grass, proceed to make a meal of bread, cheese, and drink.
“Who are those travelers?” asked the ambassadors of a peasant.
“These are our worshipped masters, the deputies from the state,” was his reply.
Spinola at once whispered, “These are not men to be conquered.” (From Happy Homes and the Hearts That Make Them by Samuel Smiles.)
Sometime back I had the privilege of attending a stake conference in the company of President Spencer W. Kimball. He was not the president of the Church at that time. Elder Kimball worked tirelessly holding one meeting after another until late Saturday night. On Sunday we held a meeting with bishoprics and high councilors at 8:00 a.m. This was followed by the general session, a meeting with the seventies quorum, an interview with the patriarch, the dedication of a chapel, and a talk to the seminary students in the evening. We went to the stake president’s home about 9:00 p.m. to wait for our plane that did not leave until nearly 11:00 p.m. The kindly stake president’s wife wanted to fix us dinner. Elder Kimball said, “Please, all I need is a bowl of milk and some of your homemade bread to break up in it.” These are not men to be conquered.
Most men of his stature and leadership capacity would feast on pheasant, caviar, and other sumptuous foods fit for a king. They would fill their stomachs on champagne, liquors, and wines and indulge to a point of inebriation and simplemindedness. But those who run the swiftest race, who climb the highest mountains, who swim the most dangerous streams in life are the lean and hard, the conditioned, the men of discipline and willpower. These are not men to be conquered.
We have read of political leaders and business executives who glut themselves every night and sleep until 10:00 a.m. every morning, men who soon lose their power. The law of the harvest is absolute. Those who “dive to the depths of pleasure come up with more sand than pearls,” said a modern prophet.
The story was told of General Antigonus who was preparing to have his men attack the enemy. The plan was devised, the strategy decided, and the hour determined. General Antigonus’s men were outnumbered severely. The signal to attack was given. No one attacked. In fact, they were about ready to retreat ingloriously. General Antigonus asked what the problem was. The captains replied that they were outnumbered so severely that the men dared not attack. General Antigonus thought for a moment and then asked, “For how many then wilt thou reckon me?” This spirit spread through the ranks; they attacked and won a great battle.
How many do you think the Lord counts each of his righteous servants for? How many do you count a President Spencer W. Kimball for? How about a Nathan Eldon Tanner, a Marion G. Romney, or an Ezra Taft Benson?
These are not men to be conquered. When you make your contribution in life, will men list your assets and fortune or will they talk about your character and integrity?
How many would you count Barbara Smith or Belle Spafford for?
The decline and fall of Rome was attributable to the general corruption of its people and to their engrossing love of pleasure and idleness—work in the latter days of Rome was regarded as fit only for slaves. Its citizens ceased to pride themselves on the virtues of their great forefathers, and the empire fell because it did not deserve to live. And so the nations that are idle and luxurious—that “will rather lose a pound of blood,” as old Burton says, “in a single combat than a drop of sweat in any honest labor”—must inevitably die out, and laborious, energetic nations take their place.
In the above statement we could replace the word nation with men and the principle would still remain the same. Men and women of principle are not easily conquered.
President Nathan Eldon Tanner had not reached his peak as one of Canada’s great leaders. Opportunity and financial wealth beyond his wildest supposition were ahead. A call from the prophet and it was all laid aside.
President Marion G. Romney sat through the funeral service of his wife on Monday, March 12, 1979. On Tuesday this great soul attended and spoke at the Logan Temple dedication. These are not men to be conquered.
Listen to the voice of “one” from the past who qualified as one not to be conquered. Speaking at general conference in October 1942, President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., a member of the First Presidency, said:
“Now, I would like to say something else, brethren, again by way of counsel. I shall be accused, when I do, of talking politics, and perhaps on this point I may say I do not read anonymous letters. When they come in, I just throw them into the wastebasket. I only read enough of the signed scurrilous letters that are sent to know that they are scurrilous, and then they follow along. So it is useless for anyone to try to take out any personal feeling in that way.
“You and I have heard all our lives that the time may come when the Constitution may hang by a thread. I do not know whether it is a thread or a small rope by which it now hangs, but I do know that whether it shall live or die is now in the balance.
“I have said to you before, brethren, that to me the Constitution is a part of my religion. In its place it is just as much a part of my religion as any other part. It is a part of my religion because it is one of those institutions which God has set up for His own purposes, and, as one of the brethren said today, set up so that this Church might be established, because under no other government in the world could the Church have been established as it has been established under this government.
“I think I would be safe in saying that my fellowship with you in the Church depends upon whether or not I accept the revelations and the principles which God has revealed. If I am not willing to do that, then I am not entitled to fellowship. Anyone else who fails to accept the revelations and the principles which God has revealed stands in precisely the same situation.”
Isn’t that a powerful declaration? I have very strong feelings that the Lord has now sent a wonderful generation of youth who will not be men and women to be conquered. What a destiny is yours! What a marvelous period of the world in which to live! I pray that I might be able to live long enough to see many of you, thousands upon thousands, stand tall as the generation of Latter-day Saints whom all the outside world might come to know, for they will know that you are not men and women to contend with or to be conquered. You will do and see deeds done the likes of which have never been accomplished in all of humanity. Remember, my young friends, you must be lean and hard. You must be fit for the race. You must place character, integrity, and principles of truth as the guiding lights for the dark days ahead. It thrilled me as my mind saw, as it were in vision, the future greatness that awaits those who are pure and true to the teachings and example of the Master. ... .....................................................................................
I love my nation and all the blessings it has afforded me. I know I am blessed to be a citizen. I am an American, and I am so proud to be an American. We the people, the righteous men and women of this nation, will not be men to be conquered.
We took a little hike through Schenley Park on Saturday. The weather was perfect. MJ giggled and pointed from the stroller as she watched her big sister run ahead. Sierra said she was a cricket, because crickets are fast and we were hippos because hippos are slow. MJ had enough she wanted to join her big sister. The terrain was very uneven and slopped down steep on one side, so her wobble efforts made me nervous. I was relieved when her sister sacrificed her desire to run to stay back and help steady her sister. They walked for at least one-forth of the trail hand-in-hand. (And this was not a short hike.) A number of passer-byers stopped and stated how precious they were. She even stopped a few times to patiently allow her to watch a bug cross the trail. She is a good example to me.
A few weeks ago I was telling Sierra hurry up because we were going somewhere. She replied, "Mom, why do we always have to hurry up?" Her words gave me pause and I have reflected on them often. Most of the times, throughout her life, that I have told her to hurry up, there has been no reason for it. No reason at all. Why do I always have to hurry up? My goal over the next six months, before she has to go to school, is not to require her to hurry up unless there is a good reason. I will let her walk slow and sit in the dirt and watch a bug for five minutes, if she wants. Before school, little children don't know about the existence of time and I think that is precious. Before the world can run her through with deadlines and expectations, maybe I should just let her be, and maybe by being still myself I will learn a few more things from this angel.
Sierra found this dead patch of weeds and thought they were the most beautiful thing on earth. You have to blow up this picture and see the looks on these girls faces. They had so much fun playing on the playground together today. MJ just loves CC and even though she has a more cautious personality, with a little encouragement from her sister, she will try new things and I love the way they rejoice together when she does. I love this little girls so much. She was riding her little three wheeler at full speed toward the park. She turned back to say, "Mom, I am going to be a race car driver. I am going to be a people doctor too but I will love being a race car driver." I am sure she will. She has the gumption and determination to do just about anything.
Isn't it amazing how different life feels in the spring. I love how the sun brightens my soul. Since the sun has come my life has changed in these ways...
We don't sit in front of the television for hours on end. We don't fight as much or tease as much. We read more and go to the library more. We get to go outside and do fun things together. My house is clean all the time. We get dressed in the morning, no pajamas all day. We are happier and more at peace.
I don't know why this is so, but I am so grateful for the sun that lights the world.
Yesterday, I and the girls took my tennis balls out to the tennis court and threw them around. (I don't play tennis. However, I always thought it would be cool if I could. Nate bought me the tennis equiptment for a birthday a few years back. Sadly, it hasn't gotten much use.) MJ had a riot throwing the balls around and picking them up. Luckily, we had a cute little friend come over and play with us. It is always more fun to play with a friend. She loves this little lion and I think it is so cute. Sierra got bored and went outside the fence to climb the trees. It is really hard to climb in a dress with heavy boots but... she managed it with a little help. You go girl.
Well, I have been wanting to do this since last summer. In our local park there is a volleyball sand pit. I think in all the times I have frequented the park I have only seen it being used for its intended purpose once. Well, I decided the sand needed to be used to build sandcastles. I am sure no one will mind as long as we rake it over when we are through, which we didn't do but will do in the future. Yesterday was a perfect day to sit in the sun on the sand. The sand was perfect because it had rained a couple of days earlier and it was really moldable. The kids had so much fun and as we were leaving Sierra begged, "Mom, can we come back tomorrow."(Jess, thanks for coming to play and for the pictures.)
Sierra went rumaging through my closet and found my dress and my shoes and put them on. Then relaxed against a stack full of clean, not-yet-folded laundry, and talked to her grandma on the phone for a half hour. I laughed when I saw her.
Well, I turned 31 on Sunday. I know all the people younger than me are thinking that is so old and all the people older than me are thinking, that is young. I think it is perfectly how old I should be. Thirty-one will be a good year. Well, this was my favorite present. Sierra spent all morning making me paper doll with removable clothing. There were skirts and shirts and I was surprised at how well they fit. Then she said, "I am going to make you a birthday cake. I don't really know how to make a birthday cake, so you are going to have to help me, but I am going to make it." She made me the best cake I have ever had. It was perfectly moist and absolutely chocolate just the way it should be. My friends and I went out to lunch the next day at the Oakmont Bakery. Joy and her husband were so kind and payed for us. We had a blast eating really good food and spending time together as friends.
Well, as a stay at home mother, I believe the money we make is the money we save. In the summer, when no one really cares what your children wears and they wear everything out quickly, try making a summer t-shirt dress. Sierra loves hers because it is comfortable like her pajamas. The one pictured above Sierra wants to wear everyday. I let her help pick out the t-shirts to make it from and she loves the little surfer girl. The other dress I made for a dear friends daughter out of some of her old t-shirts. Here is a tutorial for this dress. I have the first half of the tutorial done and the second half will be on my blog shortly. (Thanks Shelly for inspiring me time after time after time.)
Sierra loves to tie ropes and ribbons on everything and then stretch them across the room. I don't understand the fascination. I hate untying all the little knots. However, funny, I remember doing the same thing as a little girl. I love this dress. I am glad that Sierra loves it too. I made it out of a couple t-shirts. I have been told I need to start doing tutorials. I think I will. Keep your eyes out.