Sierra loves to tie ropes and ribbons on everything and then stretch them across the room. I don't understand the fascination. I hate untying all the little knots. However, funny, I remember doing the same thing as a little girl.

I love this dress. I am glad that Sierra loves it too. I made it out of a couple t-shirts. I have been told I need to start doing tutorials. I think I will. Keep your eyes out.
Once I was singing to Regan, but in a loud-screechy kind of joking way. Then I asked her if she liked it and she said it sounded good, but not as good as her pre-school teacher (who had a beautiful singing voice). I laughed a lot about that. She was trying to hard to be diplomatic. I bet you will be happy to be out of that apt. building and into something a little less "social". Send me your address one more time. You need a bottle of eucalyptus oil - it is good for anything that has to do with respiratory and it it also good for any nausea. I love that oil and use it all the time. I will include a card on different ways to use it when I send it. I promise it will help with flu, colds (anything respiratory) and germs.
We totally went through the knot tying thing with C - like every day....I agree it was annoying. Luckily I think it's over now for us...
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