Poor little baby. She has had puss weeping from her eyes for three days now. I am so tired of my little ones getting sick. Last night Sierra was screaming and crying things like, "Mom it feels like there are sharks in my body." "Mom I can't breathe!" "Mom my throat is dry." "Mom, there are butterflies all over the place." She was in a lot of pain and I think her dreams and real life were merging is some weird way. Madison wanted to sleep on my head again. It seems to be her position of choice when she is ill. I kept fighting her off and then she would start to cry, reach for me, and climb back on my head. I think I got an hour of sleep last night. The one hour I got I was dreaming wildly about Moa Zedong, the peoples republic of China, and being incarcerated. My eyes are stinging, they want to close so bad. Sigh.
I am so sorry Lisa. I wish I could help.
Poor baby! Hope she feels better soon. Love ya!
That is the saddest picture. Poor baby, poor Sierra, but poor poor Mom.
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