Saturday, February 15, 2014


The last few days have been a bit warmer.
I am so glad.
It has been such a reprieve from this long, dark, cold winter.
My girls wanted to go push there brother in his stroller.
I was happy to let them. I was busy making hair bows.
Sierra has a birthday party today and I wanted to make something.
My sewing machine has been sitting idle for entirely to long.
I had to bring it out and dust if off.
I am done caring for a sick baby and cleaning.
Funny thing is that as much as I clean there are still messes, lots of them.
I will clean some more.
I don't mind.
I kind of like it, but just let me sit and sew for a few more hours. 
(Don't be scared of Madison's bow! She stole two off the table and doubled them up. She has her own sense of style and I kind of like that about her.)

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