Saturday, February 1, 2014


My amazing, wonderful father and my beautiful, supportive sister showed up on my doorstep this afternoon.
They surprised me.
James and Madison are sick and have been sick all day.
James has been whining and crying and whining. 
Dad came to inspect our home.
Jennifer came to help.
She took the babies.
Nate and I and Dad ran over to the property.
When we walked into the house there was a mouse in the center of the living room.
A mouse people!
I am a suburban girl.
We don't believe in mice in houses.
It was squatting in our house.
Dad kicked it out the front door, literally.
Thank you Daddy.
I really didn't know what to do with it.
Dad walked around for a while and then paced a lot and looked a bit overwhelmed.
He said, "Is this what you really want?"
After I hummed and hawed a little.
I finally found my courage.
I said, "Yes. I know this is the right thing for our family. It is going to be hard, but it is going to be worth it. I know we could pay the same price for a brand new home in suburbia, it would be easier, but I don't think we would be happier.
This is where I want to raise my family.
Dad said there was no saving the floors, without a huge expense.
The house isn't worth the amount of money we would sink into it.
He said, "You will have to live on crooked floors. Can you do that?"
I had to find my courage again.
"Yes, for a time."
Then he laid out a plan to make it livable for a time.
It will take a lot of work.
It will never be perfect, but it will be enough.
After we close, we will start.
Let the adventure begin.
Thank you Dad and Jenn. 

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