Sunday, February 16, 2014


Today is Sunday.
I love Sunday.
I love having a day to reflect on the purpose of life.
My Savior.
Why we are here.
Where we all go when we die.
(I will be completely honest today was long.
James was fussy.
Sierra may have rolled her eyes at me during the first hour of church.
I may have pinched her for it.
I may have spent most of my meetings walking the halls with a fussy baby.
Nate was home sick.
He is usually better at handling the children at church.
He doesn't revert into a two year old when they disobey.
I missed him.
I need him to get better.)
However, it was still worth going.
I may have only caught a few words here or there.
I may have only sang two hymns.
I may have only heard part of a Relief Society lesson.
But, I was inspired to try harder to be a little better. 
(Our Relief Society lesson was on the Plan of Salvation. If you want to learn more, you can watch the video below.)

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